The Responsible One

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José had always considered himself a fun, energetic, and sometimes overly excitable individual. And then he had met Donald and Panchito, and José had realized just how levelheaded he was in comparison. Panchito was loud, easily excited, and full of life. Donald was quick to anger and he simultaneously wore his heart on his sleeve, and hid his emotions behind a steel barrier. Donald occasionally threw temper tantrums like that of a child, and sometimes Panchito's naiveté and careless enthusiasm seemed much more befitting of a child as well.

José didn't think badly of his friends because of their immature natures. If anything, he actually really admired them for it, even though there were times when he just felt so exhausted keeping Panchito from doing something that could get him hurt, and calming Donald from his latest rage, that he almost felt like he was their babysitter.

Moments like this were definitely the exception though. Most of the time, José had a lot of fun with his fellow Caballeros. Their energy was absolutely contagious, and they made his life more exciting. José loved going on adventures with Donald and Panchito, and he always looked forward to their next adventure together, though sometimes he did wish that their adventures were a little less life threatening. Just because José was more open to potentially dangerous situations did not mean he had the desire to go searching them out.

As much as José had started to enjoy the new exciting life that he now lived, he still loved the moments where he could just sit back and relax...well, maybe not relax, as José didn't know just how relaxing a popcorn war or game of 'the floor is lava' was, but at least these games weren't dangerous.

At least, hypothetically they weren't, but José had nearly forgotten that even when evil sorcerers weren't around, accidents still happened.

José stood in front of the bathroom mirror and opened his mouth wide. He flinched as his tongue accidentally brushed up against the roof of his mouth. That stung a lot more than he had expected it to. Moving slowly and carefully, José stuck his tongue out and leaned forward so he could get a good look at it. He winced at what he saw.

José sighed and tentatively touched his tongue with his finger. He and Donald had allowed Panchito to drag them into a game of the floor is lava. And somehow, with all of the furniture they had available to jump on in the cabana, all three of them had ended up crowded on the same bookcase, and José had lost his balance and fallen to the ground. The fall itself had hurt quite a bit, but the impact had caused him to accidentally bite his tongue, and now he was bleeding.

José turned the water faucet at the sink and cupped his hands under the stream of water. He gathered some water in his hands, and then brought it to his mouth. José let the water rest in his mouth for a moment before he slowly began to swish is around. After doing this for a moment José spit the water out and grimaced when he saw how red the previously clear water was.

Well, at least he knew that he had gotten some blood out of his mouth.

José took another look at his tongue in the mirror and was relieved that he could actually see the cut now. Before, his tongue had been too covered in blood to even make out the cut at all. Even now, José could see the blood beginning to gather from where he had bit through his tongue, but at least now he knew that the cut wasn't as large as he had worried it was. The cut was actually really small and didn't seem to be that serious. It just bled a lot more than it looked like it should, which was concerning, but manageable.

José grabbed a small washcloth and soaked it in water. He eyed the bar of soap on the kitchen sink for a moment before he shook his head and wrung out the washcloth. He knew injuries should be disinfected, but he didn't think that soap was the right way to go about doing that. Especially when the injury was in his mouth. If it looked like his cut was going to get infected, maybe he would try it, but if he didn't have to he would rather not.

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