#3 The ghoul hospital

Start from the beginning

We walked over to the row of ghouls that were also waiting in line. I bowed down till Hinami's level and putted my hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you for bringing
me here and also for
putting your trust in me.
You don't know how
much it means to me."

If I wasn't wearing my mask she would have been able to see the smile on my face. The girl just nodded at my sentences and after that gave me a hug. The hug caught me by surprise. I didn't know what to do I just froze in place. She looked up at me while she was still hugging my side. I snapped out of my frozen pose and slowly moved my arms around her. The smile underneath my mask grew bigger. It was nice to see that someone wasn't afraid of me. The only ghouls that ain't afraid of me are my friends and the ones who work at Anteiku so it felt good to know that she wasn't afraid of me. But of course she didn't know what I've done or what I'm capable of doing without feeling any regret... The smile on my face slowly faded.

She let go of me and I looked at her with my head tilted to the side. Then she pointed at the women sitting at the light grey desk. The woman at the desk looked grumpy af. She had the typical bitch look, way to much makeup that was also very and I mean very bright like it was bright purple and the look on her face just matched completely with the make-up.

"Are you just gonna
Keep standing there
or are you actually
gonna move over
here and tell me
why your here?"

While she was talking to me she was just starring at her fake nails while chewing on some chewing gum. After her sentence she looked up to us.

"Well you gonna
move or not"

I swear I could here something snap in my head cause boy did I not like this woman's attitude. She's lucky were in a hospital or I probably already would've hit her. I walked up to the little desk.

My eyes immediately fell on the paper that was laying Infront of her. I've seen this kind of paper before. The symbol in the corner of the paper was that of a ghoul gang. I remembered seeing that symbol from when I used to be the right hand of the 4th wards leader. I was always looking for information about other ghoul gangs that could pose a threat to the clowns or the 4th ward. The symbol on the paper was that of a ghoul gang that was known for cannibalism.

I figured that they were using this secret ghoul hospital as a secret cover up for finding victims to feast on later. And I think that the bitch over there was the one to report that information.

She looked at me and snapped her fingers at me. I swear to god I wanna kill her.

"Name and business"

When she was talking her voice sounded bored af as if she just didn't give two shits about what's going on. I mean I don't blame her it looked a pretty boring job but still.

"Y/n here to see Yue"

"I need your
full name and
the name of
the kid"

"Y/n l/n and
the name of
the kid isn't
important you
got my name
that's enough"

"I said I needed
the girl's name too"

"And I said that
my name
was enough."

I placed my hands on the little desk and leaned closer to the woman.

No Heart (Uta X female ghoul reader)Where stories live. Discover now