"How's physical therapy?" I ask Jordan. "Are you walking without the cane yet?"

She shifts away from Mey's hold and grins. "Not yet, but I'm getting closer every day. And Coach has basically made me her unofficial assistant," she says. "I go with her to every practice and game, and she's even asking for my opinion on training exercises and movement patterns."

I give her a smile. "I know it's not the same as playing, but I'm glad she's keeping you involved."

"I'm not complaining. I thought my soccer days were doomed," Jordan says. "I think having me around makes her feel better after everything that happened. Like, she's making a positive difference in my life, or whatever—which she definitely is. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have soccer to fall back on."

A tentative question softens Mey's face. "How are your appointments with Dr. Wilder?"

I fiddle with a pen on my desk, twirling it between my fingers. "They're good. He started me on a new medication, and we still video chat twice a week. When I come home for Thanksgiving break, I'll see him in person. Rowan's been talking to him, too," I add.

Jordan tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. "Because of the nightmares?"

At first, the response sticks in my throat. "Dad says they're getting better. She hasn't woken up screaming in a few weeks. It's a start, right? Every milestone is a victory. But I know she'll be okay. She's the strongest person I know."

"I know someone stronger." When Mey smiles, my eyes drop before gratefully reconnecting with hers.

We fall into a comfortable silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. To this day, no one knows the role Rowan played in what happened. How her cane was the catalyst in Stef's fall. I'm not even sure if it was intentional. But it's a detail I'll take to my grave.

Mey's the one who finally breaks the silence. "Have you talked to Smith lately?" She throws an uncertain look Jordan's way.

It's not too difficult to read between the lines. "He called a few days ago." I pause, trying to weigh the different ways I could approach this. I could take the easy way out and dance around my feelings. But that's not me anymore. If past experience has taught me anything, it's to be upfront and honest. Especially when I don't want to be. "Judging from your expressions, I'm guessing Kobe told you?"

Mey and Jordan exchange another glance before turning their gazes back to me.

"You guys, it's fine. Really." I try to smile, but the quiver brewing beneath my lips wants to betray me. "He said he's bringing Noelle home for break, and I think it's a great idea."

"But then you'll have to meet her," Jordan murmurs, catching her thumb nail between her teeth. "I'm sure they'll be at Emma's memorial service. Are you ready for that?"

"Actually, it was my suggestion. We're not together anymore and that's okay. I'm serious—stop looking at me like this is a tragedy! Smith and I will always be friends, but we're not meant for anything more than that. I'm happy he's moving on. I really truly am. I'm moving on too..."

Mey's eyes go wide. "That guy from your psych class?"

A sudden warmth flushes over my cheeks. "Maybe."

Jordan brings the phone closer until the background disappears and the only thing that fills my screen are their stupefied faces. "Are you dating someone?"

A giggle slips out before I can stop it. "Not exactly, but he did ask me out. We're grabbing something to eat after class."

Jordan waves her hand, encouraging me to continue. "Well? Does this guy have a name?"

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