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different streamers if you flinched during an argument😱😱

-"But that doesn't give you a right to do that!"
-When he raises his hand to grab something next to you, to show you, you flinch and he notices immediately
-"Oh shit, i'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
-drops the whole argument

-"I don't fucking care! I'm colorblind!"
-You guys probably got into an argument because of minecraft
-when he went to go walk away, he flew his hand up in defeat, and when you flinched, he kept it there, looking at you blankly.
-"Are you okay? I'm not going to hurt you, I would never. Unless minecraft counts, i don't know."

-"What the fuck, Y/N!"
-when he does a high hand gesture, you flinch and he notices, but isn't sure if he saw it right.
-"Ayo? Did you just flinch?"

-"qué carajo, eso no es eso, ¡eso no pasa, S / N!" (what the fuck, that's not that, that doesn't happen, Y / N!)
-he likes to be dramatic, so he throws his arms in the air and flails them around
-"Fuck, did you just- flinch?"
-"no, i'm sorry!"
-doesn't think twice about engulfing you in a hug, telling you he would never hurt you.

-Karl Jacobs-
-you guys wouldn't argue unless it was on vc, periodt.
-nah but if u were to argue, it would def be about something personal
-if you flinched, his eyes would soften immediately, and he would hug you almost instantly.

-"hi, i was being an idiot, i'm Ranboo!"
-you wouldn't flinch because he wouldn't raise his arms, he'd end the argument by telling dad jokes every second.

-"Heyyy! Noooo! Don't do that? Why- Why did you do that?!"
-gives you benson to distract you, or streams with you.

-"Fuck, Y/N!"
-"Did you just fuckin' flinch?"
-"watcha gonna do?"
-keeps moving his hands and arms around you to purposely make you flinch
-does feel bad, so eventually hugs you and tells you even though he absolutely despises you, he would never hurt you. physically.

-Jack Manifold-
-"Fuckin' rotten crumpet, you are!"
-when he goes to grab a crumpet, to show you what he wants to do to you (kill wise obvi) you flinch
-he gasps dramatically
-"did you just flinch? was that- was that a flinch i've just seen?"

-"Everything just has to be a fuckin' issue to you, Y/N! Everything i do, or everything i say!"
-when he goes to ruffle his hair, because his arm is so long you flinch😱
-"Holy fuck, Y/N- are you alright? did i hurt you? i didn't mean what i said."
-eventually starts scream-singing

-you honestly probably wouldn't flinch because you two argue calmly
unless it's in vc

-"Fuck you, DUUUUDE!"
-walks away after he gets his point through, but when he walks past you, you flinch so he gasps
-"HHHUAHHHHH- did you just fucking flinch? from me? HOLY SHIT- AM I INTIMIDATING?"

-tbh u guys would probably fight about something silly, plus, he'd stay calm so you wouldn't flinch
-although bad is very intimidating (in a good way sheesh) he wouldn't move in a way that'll make you flinch yk

-"Fuck you, bitch!"
-"You- did you flinch? like, jump when i moved near you?"
-"are you okay?"

-"I don't like arguing for this long.. please can we end it?"
-"Fine, well, you're just acting like a bitch." although it hurt to say, she had to because that's how she felt, so when she moved to fix her hoodie sleeves, u ofc, flinched
-"what was that?"
-"Did you flinch? I'm so sorry! i didn't mean to scare you!"

-"I will kill you."

-"Ey, i didn't mean to make you upset or flinch! i'm sorry."

-"Holy shit i'm so sorry- i didn't mean it! im so so sorry, i would never lay a hand on you!"

-"No, i understand where you're coming from, but you don't have to address it like that!"
-"Please don't flinch again. I don't want to see you do that again. I would never hurt you, unless it was bedwars, but i would never ever hurt you, Y/n."

-damn is he scary when he's mad...
-"I'm not gonna fuckin' deal with this every day, Y/N! You get upset over the most stupidest things, like THE MOST stupidest."
-"Oh shit, sweetheart, i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to do that, i was just trying to stretch. I wouldn't hurt you, you know that, right?"
-but then he turns into a sweetheart again!

-"Oh shit i am so sorry! Here, here. Take it. I didn't mean to scare you, y/n, i'm so sorry."
-gives you his big teddy bear

-"No! That makes close to zero sense, y/n!"
-"Hey, don't flinch! i'm not going to hurt you, i only want to solve this argument. I'm sorry."

-"i'm playing bedwars, y/n. Fuck off."
-when he shoo's you away, you flinch.
-"Why'd you do that? Did you just have a muscle spasm or some shit?"
-"OH SHIT- i made you flinch? My bad, sorry."

-i'm gonna do a little extra!!
-mrbeast crew if you flinched during an argument-

-"It was once, for a video, Y/N!"
-"Oh. I'm sorry."
-tbh i think he wouldn't really know what to do because he hates making people upset.

-"Ah fuck. Y/n!"
-"Why did you flinch? Was it because of me? If it was, I apologize. I didn't want to come like that."

-nah youd both be asleep

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