"You know," Jack mumbled breathily against his lips. "There's a pool here. Should be pretty quiet at this time of night." Alex smirked, eyes darkening at the suggestion, his earlier exhaustion completely forgotten.

"I don't have any swimming trunks." He said innocently, Jack grinned wickedly down at him. "That's good because I don't either." He leant back down and kissed him once more, deep, and intense, before sitting up and grabbing a pair of towels.

Alex felt like a naughty school child sneaking around as they made their way through the hallways of the lower floor. Luckily, they hadn't seen anyone else but that didn't stop them from glancing around constantly like a pair of terrible spies on high alert.

They reached the door to the pool and slipped through as quietly as possible. Given that it was completely empty and all the lights were off Alex could only assume it was closed for the day.

Despite the lack of artificial light, they could see easily enough. The glass roof meant the room was illuminated by the light of the large moon that was shining brightly overhead, reflecting in the pools still surface. It had bathed everything in silver and as Alex glanced over at Jack, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful he looked, shining with an almost ethereal glow.

He smirked at Alex before dropping the towels on the small bench against the wall. He winked at him mischievously and began to strip off. Alex quickly followed suit, leaving his own clothes beside the towels on the bench.

There was a loud splash and he turned to see the surface rippling, the circles all emanating from the same spot where Jack must have disappeared. He reappeared a moment later in almost exactly the same place as Alex smiled and sat himself down on the pool's edge, feet dangling comfortably.

Jack swam over, smiling when Alex spread his legs to allow him to float between them. "You coming in?" He asked, hands slowly trailing up Alex's thighs, causing his cock to stir. Alex pretended to think. "Hmm, I dunno. I'm not really one for swimming." He mused.

Jack placed a hand on either side of Alex's ass, lifting himself up enough so that he could press a sweet kiss to Alex's lips. It didn't last nearly long enough in Alex's opinion, and he found himself chasing Jack's lips as he pulled away.

He chuckled throatily, watching Alex with dark eyes. "I think I could make it a pleasurable experience for you." He whispered huskily in Alex's ear before dropping back down into the water.

Alex bit his lip, unable to repress a shudder as Jack's hands continued to graze his skin.

Almost without volition, Alex slipped off the side and into the water, wrapping his arms around Jack's neck. Jack smiled, connecting their lips as his hands slipped up to Alex's hips.

Alex hummed in approval as he felt Jack's erection pressed firmly against his thigh as he was pushed against the pool tiles.

He wrapped his legs around Jack, grinding up against him and eliciting a moan from the taller boy. His grip on Alex tightened as he pulled him closer, so their bodies were flush, the kiss growing more and more intense with every second that passed.

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