Matt just grinned cheekily. "He could always join." He said with a shrug as they all got to their feet. Jack laughed as he led them through to his room. "I'm not sure he'd be up for that somehow."

The trio settled on the bed, Matt in the middle, and there was a brief moment of awkwardness as it dawned on them that this was really happening. Then Jack was moving.

His hand moved to Matt's crotch, palming him through the denim as he began to kiss his neck. Matt hummed in approval, stretching his neck out further to give Jack more access.

With his free hand, Jack reached across and grabbed a hold of Alex's. He pulled it over so that Alex was palming his crotch, forcing the older boy to shift onto his knees so he could reach properly across Matt.

He focused on the familiar feel of Jack's steadily hardening cock, doing his best to ignore the whimpering boy between them.

Matt moaned softly, laying back as Jack detached himself from his neck. He shoved his lips against Alex's, and he hummed in approval, instantly opening up to allow Jack's tongue in.

His free hand began stroking Alex's inner thigh and he moaned in approval, sparks running up his spine. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

Matt's loud groan sharply snapped Alex back to reality, forcing him to deal with his current situation.

Jack pulled back with a smirk, reaching down to remove his t-shirt and jeans. Oh god, this is actually happening.

Once they were all bare, Matt glanced eagerly between them, and Alex was forced to swallow his discomfort. He could do this. He wasn't about to back out now and leave Jack and Matt alone after all.

Jack leaned in and captured Matt's lips, reaching down, and tugging at his dick a few times making him moan into his mouth. He pulled back a little as Matt gasped and Alex's skin crawled at the sound.

"Lube?" He directed at Alex without looking at him.

Wordlessly the blonde grabbed a bottle and a condom out of the bedside table, handing them over. Jack smirked in approval, dropping the condom on the bed, and popping the cap on the bottle.

"Hands and knees," Jack ordered and Matt was quick to oblige, ass firmly in the air as Alex watched.

Jack began working Matt open causing him to writhe and moan with the pleasure that Alex knew all too well.

He could feel jealousy swirling in his chest as he watched, knowing that all too soon Jack would be putting his dick inside him. Alex would have to sit and watch as Jack had sex with someone else whilst all he got was a pitiful blowjob from said guy.

Jack was his friend, more importantly, he was his friend with benefits. So, if Jack was gonna be fucking anyone then by rights it should be Alex. Though Alex wasn't sure he'd be able to bring himself to suck some strangers dick whilst Jack was pounding his ass which would rather ruin the threesome thing. Not that that bothered Alex any.

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