Mala Ultro Adsunt

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As Lukas walked through the halls of the Shard, he came to the armory and took Blackstone armor to blend in as he began his sabotage.  Un-hooking the chains to the gate meant that the defenders couldn't raise the drawbridge.  If he could jam the gears for the portcullis, it would be only the old wood and steel gate they'd have to worry about.  As he finished unhooking the Chains, a guard spotted him and attempted to raise the alarm, but was killed by Lukas in time.  Sighing in relief, Lukas took a hatchet on his belt and took the head and jammed it at the back of the gearbox, effectively stopping them from barring the gates at all.  Nodding with approval, he left the gatehouse in search of the old library.  He needed to retrieve old maps and books that had significant tactical data that could assist the Iron Legion in attacking the Shard.  Taking his old gear, he found the library and grabbed some books and papers and put them in a satchel.  The floor shook as he dropped the bag.  Looking up he saw the wall had shattered from a catapult shot.  The assualt had already begun apparently.

Looking at his shield, he slid his arm through the straps and fastened it securely to his left wrist.  Taking his sword, he held its stainless blade gleam in the red dusk before him.  The castle shook again as he saw Blackstone soldiers running by.  Slashing the edge of his shield sent a flurry of sparks flying as three soldiers stopped and ran in after him.  Lukas stabbed the first in the neck, the second in the chest and  stunned the other with a bash from his shield.  Tossing the sword in the air, he caught the blade and used the guard to pull the soldier on his shield and flipped him to the ground.  With a shout, Lukas sent the jagged edge of his guard through the temple of the soldier, killing him instantly.  Running out the door, he was faced with a column of Dawn Empire warriors and followed them to the courtyard.  He saw Ayu directing troops to different sections of the lower levels.

"Lukas, Alfrin and the Orochi are taking care of reinforcements for the upper courtyard.  That tower at the back is where Apollyon probably is.  That staircase will get you there.  Good luck," Ayu said as she rammed her No Dachi through a Blackstone captain.

"I'll need it.  Keep reinforcements from interrupting.  This is personal,"  Lukas said as he slipped around the side of the battle and ascended the tower.  As he reached the top, he stopped as he saw Apollyon staring at him.

"The wolf returns," Apollyon said as she set the edge of her sword on her shoulder.

"Surrender, or you will die here,"  Lukas said as he threw his shield to the ground and held his sword in both hands as he watched Apollyon chuckle to herself.  Lukas ran ran at her, but paused as she appeared to be ready to counter but stopped in response.  Lukas swung hard as Apollyon dodged and jabbed at Lukas.  Lukas stepped aside as the jab came and Apollyon looked behind him as a boulder shook the ceiling loose and she stepped back a bit to escape.  Lukas kicked burning timber aside as he ran out the side doorway and started to run up the stairs as he saw Apollyon walking down them.

Apollyon lowered her sword, taunting him.  "Come," she said as Lukas blocked and redirected an attack from Apollyon as the two fought their way towards the top of the tower.  Lukas ducked as Apollyon swung her sword at him, but was pushed against the wall as she attempted to back hand him to stun him.  As Lukas swung for an opening, Apollyon ducked and set her sword across her shoulders.  "Death waits for us all.  A warrior is someone who will not let that stop them from doing what must be done.  Come, warrior,"  Apollyon said as Lukas ran at her and ducked as he slashed across her torso, stopping as he turned to see he slit her side open.  Leaning on her sword, she walked towards a nearby balcony overlooking the battle below. Leaning the sword against the railing, she leaned over and watched the Blackstone Legion being routed.

Lukas walked over and put a hand on her shoulder.  "You know Lukas, you and I are not as different as you think.  As a Black Prior, you know what I was doing was not entirely wrong, "  Apollyon asked as she shifted to a more comfortable position.

"I know.  But how you did it was incorrect.  But the alliance was enough to finish this," Lukas said as he looked at the dying warrior next to him.

"My body, my self can be killed.  But my idea, my legacy?  I am immortal," Apollyon said as Lukas turned to leave.

"It is over.  Soon, we will have peace," Lukas said as he heard Apollyon chuckling behind him.

"Peace?" She asked as she staggered towards Lukas, sword in hand.  "So, what happens now?  You all just go home?" Apollyon said as she threw her sword into the courtyard below.  "You come into to my home.  And you bring your armies.  What did you think would happen?  Peace?  That's not how the world works.  Do not tell me of your virtues. Duty.  Kinship.  Honor.  Words that show that all of you have forgotten what you truly are."

Lukas looked at Apollyon as he thought of what she had said.  "War.  You brought war.  Why?"

"Because, only through war can one truly take what is peace.  Heathmoor had a peace that they only settled for with what they could have.  True peace is paid for with the blood of wolves.  All I want is for you to admit what you are," Apollyon said as she straightened up.  "All of you.  My wolves..." she said as she fell forward dead.  Lukas caught her and noticed a bronze key in her hand.  Remembering a door in the first room he had fought her in, he carried her body with him as he went to investigate.

An hour later, Holden Cross walked into a dim lit study.  Lukas nodded at him, then at Apollyon's body in the corner.  "I suppose then that you won?" Holden asked as Alfrin walked in.

"Yes.  I found a key on her body that unlocked her study.  I've got her journals and writings.  I assume that the Blackstone Legion survivors fled?  Headed east?"  Lukas inquired.

"Yes.  Why?"  Holden responded.

"According to these instructions, she told survivors from the Shard to escape eastward," Lukas said as he carried the parchment with him as he walked over to a map.

"Why?  There's nothing there," Holden stated as Lukas pointed towards a unmarked section of the map and wrote words on it and pointed at them.  "Quiang Pass?  That's a myth?"  Holden said in disbelief.

"According to her sources, wrong.  Quiang Pass is real.  It's still the home of the Wu Lin, ancestors to the Dawn Empire.  Why go there specifically is beyond me.  But, we should have plenty of time.  It'll be some...three to five years till that'll be a problem," Lukas said as he packed it all in a sack and threw it over his shoulder.  "We're done here.  Sadly, the factions are at each others throats now, so that's great."

"Where are you going?"  Holden asked.

"Alfrin and I are investigating the far east.  We'll be back in time to help fight,"  Lukas said as he shook Holden's hand.  "Goodbye.  Keep Ashfeld in one piece for me."

"Will do," Holden replied as the two left him, carrying Apollyon's body with them.

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