"Oh, hell no!" They both turned to find Josh standing across from them with his arms folded across his chest. "You two are enough of a nightmare on your own without you teaming up." Jack rolled his eyes as Alex grinned.

"Oh hey, Josh! You'll never guess who I just met." Josh groaned, shaking his head. "No. You two are not allowed to be friends. The universe cannot handle that much chaos." Jack snorted.

"Did you really think you'd be able to keep us apart forever?" Josh huffed. "Well, I've been doing a pretty good job so far. Honestly the one-time Alex decides to stay for our set."
"I always stay for your sets!" Alex defended.
"Half listening from the bathroom whilst you're fucking some guy you just met does not count." Alex rolled his eyes as Jack laughed.

"You want another drink?" Jack asked as Alex drained the last of his beer. He nodded with a grin as Josh looked utterly mortified. "No. You two are not hanging out, this is not happening." He followed Jack to the bar, continuing to tell him how he wasn't allowed to hang out with Alex which he naturally ignored.

Despite Josh's protests the pair ended up talking a lot. They got on really well and had an awful lot in common. Alex could totally see them being good friends if he didn't get weird about the casual fisting thing.

The lights went down for the final band, and he felt hot breath against his ear. "You wanna get out of here?" He nodded eagerly. He'd been desperate to leave since the first moment they'd met.

They got a cab back to Jack and Josh's apartment and a tense excitement sat between them the entire ride. Alex still couldn't quite believe his luck. Jack was perfect and he was pretty desperate to get him naked.

Jack led him through to the bedroom and Alex was a little disappointed by how regular it was. "The way Josh talks about you I was expecting some kind of sex dungeon." Jack snorted, kicking off his boots and hanging his jacket on the back of the door. "Maybe when I get my own place. I don't have the room for shit like that in here." Alex laughed as he copied Jack's motions and watched him drop down on the bed.

Alex was quick to join him, straddling his lap and leaning down to connect their lips. Jack hummed in approval, hand coming up to knot in the back of Alex's hair whilst the other rested on the small of his back.

They stayed that way for a while before Alex pulled back. "I don't go deeper than the wrist and I will not hesitate to stop if I think you need to regardless of whether or not you think you're fine." Jack sent him a sultry smile, leaning up and pressing their lips together briefly.
"Sounds pretty good to me."

They kissed a while longer until Jack pulled back and grabbed a bottle of lube from the bedside table. "You got somewhere I can wash up?" Jack indicated towards the hallway. "Next door down." Alex placed the lube on the side before heading off to the bathroom.

He made sure to wash his hand thoroughly, not wanting to inadvertently transfer anything nasty. The last thing he wanted was to cause some sort of infection by introducing foreign bacteria.

He made sure to avoid touching anything on his way back to the bedroom - which was easier said than done - and when he entered, he found Jack had already stripped off and was laid on the bed on his stomach. God that ass.

The Bandana Code (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now