Red: Fisting

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"Are you ready yet?" Rian complained as he stepped back into Alex room, arms folded. "We're gonna miss Josh's set at this rate." Alex rolled his eyes as he straightened up. "We'll be fine. I just need to grab my keys."

"Why do you insist on doing that?" He asked, eyeing the bandana tied just below Alex's knee. This evenings was red but the colour would frequently change with his mood. "It's cool." He said with a shrug.
"It's really not." Alex rolled his eyes once more but didn't argue. It was easier to keep his mouth shut than try and explain the real reason behind it.

You see in truth Alex was simply a horny fucker. It was a little-known fact that wearing a bandana or handkerchief of a specific colour could be used to indicate the kind of sex you were looking for and, depending on the side of the body, whether you were looking to give or receive. Tonight, Alex was looking to give someone a good old fisting, but Rian didn't need to know that of course.

Since this was pretty niche information and Baltimore was apparently a pretty wholesome city Alex seldom came across anyone who actually knew what the bandana meant, most just assumed it was an unusual fashion choice.

In fact, he'd only ever met one guy who'd known what it meant, and he'd been creepy and old and had tried to convince him to be his little love slave for the evening instead. It was safe to say Alex had gotten out of there pretty damn quick.

When they got to the club some band whose vocalist was so drunk, he could barely stand were attempting to play what Alex thought was Dammit but it was pretty hard to tell. He shook his head and headed straight to the bar, leaving Rian to find them somewhere to stand.

He leant against the bar as he waited for their drinks doing his best to ignore the atrocity that was taking place on stage. A guy casually leant next to him, back to the bar. "You know... red's my favourite colour." Alex blinked in surprise, straightening up and turning to face his new companion.

It was safe to say the guy was stunning. A greyish-blonde quiff and dark facial hair, warm brown eyes, and a cheeky smirk. He was slightly taller than Alex which was just how he liked them.

"Is that right?" Alex raised an eyebrow as the guy gave him the once over. Alex already knew he looked hot, but the guy's approving gaze was always welcome. "Oh yeah. It's such a... pleasurable colour." Alex smirked as the guy sent him a wink. Well, they were definitely on the same page at least.

Before Alex could respond, the barman placed his drinks down in front of him. It was pretty obvious the guy had noticed the number and assumed Alex was here with someone. Technically he was but Rian didn't count, not in the way that matters anyway.

"I should probably get this over to my friend," Alex said casually. "I'll be back in a sec." It was presumptuous of course but he was not about to let Rian's existence get in the way right now. Besides, the guy had made it pretty clear he was interested so how likely was that to change over the fact he'd come with a friend?

As Alex approached Rian he noticed Zack had now arrived. Good. Now I won't get bitched out for leaving him on his own. "Hey man!" Zack greeted as he stopped next to them. They had been discussing the previous act who were, thankfully, finished. "Yeah, hey." He threw at him, barely listening as he offered Rian his drink. "This is yours, see you later."

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