{1} Rivals X for X Survival

Start from the beginning

"Four? Got it. Let yourself into the back room." Great now I'm actually hungry.

Our navigator leads us to the back room. Inside, there's a circular table in the center surrounded by four chairs. "Wait here," he tells us.

"I can't wait for the steak combo," My brother declares excitedly.

"Gon, that was just the password to get us inside," Kurapika tries to tell him.

He looks disappointed, "Oh we don't get to eat?"

I reach for my secret stash of chocolate. "Want some chocolate?" I offer. He nods his head with a grin and breaks off a piece.

After Gon takes a bite, he holds out his hand for the navigator to shake. "Thanks," he says admirably.

He takes Gon's hand replying, "I would be happy to serve as your navigator next year, as well." With that he bids farewell and leaves, closing the door behind him.

Seconds after the door closes, the whole room shakes and starts to move downward. The motion knocks me right into Kurapika. He easily catches me. "Are you alright?" he asks.

"Yeah, fine," I say stepping out of his grip embarrassed. "Thanks," I utter. I can tell I have a slight blush on my cheeks. I'm not really used to being around other guys. It's just been Gon and me pretty much my whole life (well except for a few creeps back on Whale Island), but he's my brother.

"It appears the room is an elevator," Kurapika announces. The numbers above the door are increasing. B7... B8... B9...

We all take a seat. "Bastard..." Leorio grumbles to himself. "That meant he expects us to fail this year."

"Once every three years," Kurapika explains. "The frequency in which a rookie passes the exam."

"It's that unusual?" asks Gon in astonishment. I wonder how many rookies made it last year then.

Kurapika continues, "Some cannot endure the exam's physical and mental strain. It's also not unusual for veterans to break the rookies, who consequently never retake the test."

Gon thinks for a moment, "So I guess candidates are willing to risk everything to become Hunters."

"But of course, my friend!" Leorio starts shouting. "Hunters make the most money in the world!"

"No!" Kurapika argues. "Hunters are the most noble in the world."

They get up in each others faces. "Glory hog!"

"Money grubber!"

*Gon and I both sweat drop* My brother's new friends, where ever he met them, start going at it, arguing with each other. I try to drown them out by placing a headphone in one of my ears and turning up the music. Departure by Masatoshi Ono plays. The guys continue arguing back and forth.

"Gon! Kirahki! What do you think?" They both yell at us. "Which kind of Hunter do you want to become?!"

Gon and I look at each other both hoping the other will answer. He's the first to react, "Well when you put it that way..." The elevator dings reaching floor B100. Finally. I put my headphones back in my bag.

"I think we've arrived," Leorio says. "We'll continue this later."

Gon and I both breathe a sigh of relief as the elevator doors open. Everyone turns to look at us. They're all glaring as we step out of the elevator. The air feels thin. Wow tough crowd. Everyone's so tense. There are a lot of people packed into this place. None of them were really what I was expecting. Then again I'm not too sure what I was expecting.

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now