the world under my feet

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what comes easy, goes easier.
you got me by the first try, first word, first look and first touch.
i nodded my head and smiled such a goofy smile the day you said you loved me and immediately told you that i feel the same. i've always been afraid of love, i've always been that person who tried to hide their feelings but with you i felt different, like you're never gonna be that person that'll put me through any kind of shit or regret.
with you i felt safe for a moment but scared for a lifetime.
with you i thought i'm about to settle turns out it was another round of torture.
i let you in so easily, said yes easier and opened up to you like we've known each other forever, all you've done was taking it for granted, taking me and my feelings for granted. you've never thought about putting my feelings into consideration, for a moment.
and then i was surprised that you gave up on me so easily, but why was i surprised? when i'm the one who made it all easy for you from the beginning, let's be clear that it's my fault. but you, it shows how immature, greedy, selfish and snob you are. it reflects what you truly are from the inside, it doesn't make me a less of a person, not enough or the one who did you wrong. it's clearly you and you know it even when you don't say it out loud, but that voice inside your head that you try to mute most of time, it tells you that every single bit of everyday. that's why you try to fix things up sometimes.
so that you feel powerful, like that voice inside your head doesn't matter anymore because everything got fixed in a blink of an eye, because i always have hope, that you'd be an actual human and man up and treat me like i deserve. but now, i don't need you to do me anything. i'll treat myself the way i should be, give myself all the love in the world, do myself right be and be gentle on my own self. because i, deserve it and even more.
i'm full of light, warmth and tenderness.
i'm a walking beauty and ready to spread it everywhere i go. i'm peace, i hold happiness within, i hold worlds inside.
i'm a grown woman, who's full of hidden gems, beautiful spots and some lovely ideas. i'm made of honey, softness and love. and i shall always be that way. no matter who comes, who leaves and who tries to tear me apart. i'm unstoppable, incomparable, indescribable and powerful.
the world lies under my feet, and i've also got one within me, one that's too big for you, one that shall only hold those who treat me right and know me better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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