Chapter 3

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Pain, so much pain.

Jack slowly peeled his eyes open with a moan. Did someone shoot me in the head last night? He blinked a couple of times as his eyes adjusted to the blinding light.

"Well good afternoon sleeping beauty." Rian's head appeared in front of him with a satisfied smirk. Jack just grunted in response.

He slowly sat up and looked around. He was on Rian's couch as it turned out, his stuff laid out on the table and a bucket beside him. Thankfully he hadn't needed it.

"You want anything to eat?" Rian asked as he joined Jack on the couch. "You mean I'm not dead?" He barked a laugh.
"I'm afraid not, you live to fight another day. So, food?" Jack shook his head, the thought of food made his stomach churn. "I think I'll take a quick painless death."
"How about we start with water and Advil?" Jack grudgingly agreed.

Once Rian was satisfied that Jack was capable of keeping down liquids without issue he made him coffee, for which Jack was extremely grateful. It seemed he wasn't the only one feeling the effects of the night before.

Zack: I think I'm dead

Zack: Definitely dead

Zack: I am 100% dead and this is hell

Zack: Why does death hurt so much?

Jack chuckled softly before tapping out a reply.

Jack: The alcohol is exacting its cruel revenge

Jack: Also did you shoot me in the head last night? I'm like 90% sure I got shot in the head. There's no way a headache can hurt this much.

Zack's only response was a crying laughing emoji.

"Once you're done with that you can use the shower and I'll drop you off so you can pick up your car." Jack sent him a confused look before remembering that he'd left it at Zack's when he'd taken over Alex's stuff.

"Do I have to?" He'd much rather just sleep.
"If you don't want to be walking everywhere." With a sigh, Jack finished his coffee and headed to the bathroom.

Jack re-entered the kitchen to the smell of bacon and his stomach involuntarily grumbled. "That smells good." He commented as he helped himself to more coffee. "Figured you'd be hungry. Advil kicked in yet?" Jack nodded; he was feeling altogether more human than he had when he'd first woken up.

He sat down at the table as Rian placed a plate with two bacon rolls on it and a bottle of ketchup in front of him. "You're the best." Rian simply laughed but Jack was being sincere. He didn't know what he'd do without him some times.

Ryan was the one to answer the door this time. He looked exhausted and none too pleased to see Jack again. "Uh hi, I came for my car." Ryan opened the door further to allow him in. "Your keys are in the kitchen. Keep it down, Brendon's finally asleep."

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