Chapter 2

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CW: Vomit

Jack groaned as he pulled into his drive to see Alex leant casually against his bike.

He hadn't seen or heard from him since the party and it had been the most peaceful month of his life. He'd actually started to get his life back on track and had even managed to get through all of their shared classes without incident.

"What do you want?" He asked as he made his way round to the trunk to get his groceries. "What makes you think I want something?" Jack rolled his eyes as he started grabbing bags. "Because you're here."

Alex followed him up the porch steps and to the front door as he unlocked it, dumping the bags just over the threshold. "What's with the attitude?" Jack turned to him with disbelief.
"You're joking." Alex just looked confused.

"Jack we've been best friends for like ever, now all of a sudden you're acting like you want to rip my dick off. What's going on?" Jack had to take a breath to calm himself enough to speak.

"Did you forget the bit where you cheated on me?" Alex just rolled his eyes. "Are you still going on about that?"

Jack gritted his teeth together as he grabbed the last of his shopping. He really shouldn't be surprised to find that Alex didn't give a shit about their relationship, or that he'd just assumed they could go back to normal like none of it had happened. Jack clearly didn't mean all that much to him after all.

"You may not have given a shit about us but I did." He slammed the trunk harder than necessary and made his way back towards the house. "What's the big deal? We screwed, things didn't work out, life goes on." You've got to be fucking kidding me.

He wheeled on Alex furious. "'Life goes on'. Are you fucking serious right now?!" Alex took a step back startled.

"Alex I was in love with you. While I was busy planning our future you were busy screwing Lisa behind my back and you're acting like it's not a big deal! You hurt me worse than anyone ever has and you think I can just be your friend?" Alex rolled his eyes.
"Stop being so overdramatic."
"I wasted the last three years of my life on you! That may mean nothing to you but I can't just pretend it never happened. I'm not interested in being your friend you assholes, so leave me the hell alone."

He couldn't deny it felt good to slam the door in Alex's face. He ignored Alex's shouting and banging in favour of putting away his groceries.

"You know what? Fuck you, Jack! If you want to behave like a child then go ahead. Don't come crying when you realise what a moron you're being."

He waited until he could no longer hear his retreating motorbike before deflating and slumping into one of the dining chairs. He buried his face in his hands and groaned. He was so angry and frustrated he wanted to cry.

He hadn't even gotten to discussing him collecting his stuff or giving back Jack's key. Then again, Alex hadn't mentioned it either.

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