Chapter 14: Truthful Lies- Louise's Pov

Start from the beginning

"That's confidential information that I'm not allowed to share with you Mr. Decker," says one of the men. "It's not confidential if I already know, now, is it gentlemen?" There's silence again.

"We're nearly complete with the location of the rest of the wealth, so there's no need to go further inquiring in this kind of business. We'll let you know when your part of the deal is ready for deposit." What the hell do they mean? What is going on? Were the Capurso's framed by that man I met in the store earlier today? How does this have to do with Beatrice? My mind swirls with confusion and fear. The quickness of my breathing doesn't decline as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

There's no need to speak with my stepfather anymore. What he's done to Beatrice, what he's done to the Capurso's is unforgivable. I knew that day I let Joseph into the office to just borrow a damn book would lead to consequences. Why did Joseph have to stand up for me? Now he and his family's safety are in jeopardy.

If I can stop Jacob and those men from arresting my friends so they can steal the Capurso's riches, I best try now. But where does a young, discouraged writer like me start?

A good journalist never assumed unless they know all of the cold hard facts. That's what I'm going to go accomplish right now. I'm going to go out and get the cold hard facts, and help clear all of the wrongfully immigrants placed in internment camps.

As I make my way to Ruby and Kathleen, Barry spots me. Before heading over to me he puts out his cigarette. "I was thinking we could-"

"I'm not going out with you Barry so please stop asking and getting your hopes up," I say pushing past him. "Time to go, thank you for looking after Ruby." I can feel Barry's presence hovering from behind me.

"Of course, she was a darling. As was your doll Molly." Kathleen winks at Ruby. She returns the young woman with a shy smile.

Taking Ruby by the hand I head for the door. "Wait a second, will you?" Barry catches me by the arm. Stopping in place, I slowly turn around to face him.

"Why are you done with me? I thought after that Italian pig stood you up we bonded." His face wears a look of disbelief. Like I said before in my head, he's not used to rejection. "You're a despicable and selfish man who will fail as a journalist." It feels good to get this out of my chest. It really does.

He squints his eyes at me. "But I'm already a journalist, at your father's company Louise." Barry tries to correct me.

"You just pointed out your second mistake as being a journalist. And you're just one of his many goons." Before turning to leave. "Please keep in contact with me Kathleen." I smile solemnly at her before walking out of Decker's Post.

"Why did you break Mr. Blackwell's heart? He looked so hurt." Ruby asks as we catch a taxi. "Ruby it is important to understand that if someone looks hurt it isn't always sincere." I tell her. "I'm pretty sure you're just saying that because you're upset." Ruby sits the doll between us. "Maybe." I say quietly to myself.

With Barry, you can never know if he's being sincere or not. He'll just find another woman tomorrow. I couldn't stand to listen to Barry talk so negatively about Joseph when I knew the real reason he stood me up. Peggy Hull had some big shoes to fill being the first female war correspondent. Although I'm not the first I won't wait around to be given permission. Peggy Hull could do it all on her own without any man by her side. Then, a thought hits me. What is she doing right now? Could she be in the war zone right now writing about it? My mind sparks with wonderment just thinking about her accomplishments.

Later that night at dinner my mind buzzes in anger. I can't help but look at him icily. Knowing what he did to Beatrice fuels my hatred for him and whatever he has to do with Joseph isn't right. Jacob senses my intrusive glare throughout the dinner and decides to speak before we finish up our meal. I've been waiting for him to explain himself about Beatrice's disappearance since he arrived home from work.

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