The meetings

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In the pic above is what I think you'd look like., and below is what your dog looks like. author note here,this book is going to get some heaven rewriting, so if anything is wrong on the service dog and medical stuff I put in the story isn't correct, please let me know, as I haven't done much researching on them, and am trying my best to do that now. Enjoy the story!

Thing about ash-
Medical issues-low blood sugar

Your POV

I started to wake up, as today was the first day of school. Apparently, my old maths teacher, Mrs Whithook, had retired. I was in the hospital for a year because I tried to commit suicide, so then I was in the mental physc ward for about 5 months to end the year.

Your probably wondering why I did that, well I cut myself too much and decided to take a bloody bath since the cuts weren't healed, so now I live in an apartment with my service dog Bandit. My friend Karmyn came to my house cause apparently we were going to go eat lunch together, but I forgot, so she found me all bloody, called 911 to make sure I wouldn't die. 

Anyways, here we are in front of the school, and the people who knew me before were looking at me with pity. In their eyes. Mrs. Whithook had retired the year I was admitted into the hospital, so there has been a new teacher who's been teaching for about a year. I was interested in the new math teacher, but that's my last hour class.

My first hour class was science, so we only had to work on a worksheet on Earth Biology, so when I was done with the worksheet, I decided to work with Bandit on his perception and everthing else, so I quietly went to the back of the room, let the teacher know what I was doing and worked. Once everyone was done, there were about 5 minutes left till the next hour, so I just went back to my seat and scrolled thru tik tok for the rest of the period. The day was going really well until right before lunch. My blood sugar was low. I called bandit over to me to get a sugar packet, when the people in the class tried to call him over since they could clearly see something was going on with me, and I needed him so he wouldn't come to me.

"Alright, that's enough, leave him alone. My blood sugar is low and I need my stuff, so stop calling him the fuck toward you."

That shut them up pretty quick. I got my stuff and all was fine. It was now 7th hour the class period before math which is English 3. That class is pretty chill, so my friend kayla and I were just brainstorming random anime quotes when Bandit alerted me. I didn't really pay much attention to it, until he alerted me once again before class ended.

I decided to lay down after I had taken one of my pills. I would be late for 8th hour, but hey, health before school.  I passed out and woke up about 8 min after the hour started. I let the teacher know I was all good, she wrote the pass and I was on my way. It was a good 2 min walk to 8th hour, so I decided to walk faster than normal. I got there in 1 min.

'I Think that's a new record!'

I was now 10 minutes late to class. I walked in, and I immediately smelled strawberries. The teacher wasn't here yet, so I set my late pass on the desk. I sat down in the chair that had bandits place by it. Luckily enough, Kayla, and Nyla,  were both in my class sitting by me. Soon enough, I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again. '******' I whipped my head around so quickly, I could have actually gotten whiplash from it, and I'm surprised I didn't. We had already locked eyes. We both were in shock of seen each other. He finally calmed down and said,

"Hello Ash"

-edit, umh, my writing style is currently being changed, so expect some weird chapter plots till I get this stupid book fixed 😩

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