Ahsoka vs Vader but Vader is Family Guy's Stewie Griffin Vader

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Ezra runs to the side of the Sith Temple

Ezra: Kanan! Ahsoka! Maul tricked us! this temple's a weapon!

Ezra stops when a light emits over his body. he looks up and sees Vader riding his TIE Advanced down to the temple

Vader: dun dun dun, dun, dun dun, dun, dun dun

Vader hops off of his Fighter as Ezra ignites his Lightsaber

Vader: you have unlocked the secret of the temple, how did you accomplish this?

Ezra: you're smart! figure it out!

Vader: well of course I'm smart! I created C-3PO! I have done so much for this galaxy and I only get seen as a dictator like what the hell man

Vader and Ezra parry a few blows before Vader continues

Vader: you know what it doesn't matter, the power of the temple will soon serve the Emperor

Ezra: I don't fear you

Vader: well you should! I'm Darth Vader bitch

Vader and Ezra parry a few more blows before Vader destroys Ezra's saber, sending him down

Vader: see I told you. VICTORY, SHALL BE MINE!!!

Vader goes to strike down Ezra, when

Ahsoka: oh I don't think so

Vader turns around and see's Ahsoka standing there, both sabers in hand

Vader: I was told you would be here. our long awaited meeting has come at last and can I just say you look fabulous!

Ahsoka responds, ignoring Vader's last comment

Ahsoka: I'm glad I gave you something to look forward to

Vader retracts his saber

Vader: we don't need to be enemies you know. if you reveal the location of any remaining Jedi we could be like best pals. I need a new best friend after what Tarkin did the other day


Vader walks into a room and see's Tarkin eating a burrito


Tarkin: oh Lord Vader I... uh....


end cutaway

Ahsoka: there are no Jedi. you and your inquisitors have seen to that

Vader looks down at Ezra, then back to Ahsoka

Vader: I mean, this child is a Jedi. that Kanan dude is a Jedi. quit lying bitch

Ahsoka quickly changes the subject

Ahsoka: I was beginning to think I knew who you were, behind that mask, but its impossible. my master could NEVER, be as vile as you

Vader: oh yeah so um... I don't know how to tell you this Ahsoka but um... yeah Anakin Skywalker is dead. yep, I killed him. killed him right in front of Obi-Wan he was like: NO ANAKIN! and he was all: OH MASTER HE'S KILLED ME and I was like: BOOM YOU ARE DEAD!! it was awesome you should have seen it

Ahsoka: you killed him!?

Vader: yes Ahsoka I just said that weren't you paying attention?

Ahsoka closes her eyes, before opening them

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