Fiend's Lament

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note for this installment of the random shit I do, if stuff is in italics its in song

Fiend is standing on a cliff face, looking down at a Separatist Outpost with a sniper rifle. he groans

Fiend: ugh, that is just great

Vile walks up behind him

Vile: what is it?

the black and red clad Spartan turns to his white and red clad Clone companion

Fiend: what is it!? didn't you see the song and dance number!?

Vile: uh... no sir. I can't see anything from up here

Fiend: the seppies just got a bunch of Rocket Launchers, and they're gunna attack our outpost

Vile: hey I have an idea!

Fiend: you do?

Vile: yeah! how about in future you pack enough Sniper Rifles for all of us so you don't have to explain stuff all the time!

Fiend turns around, sighs, and looks down. everything goes dark and Fiend gets illuminated by a spotlight

Fiend: another day I'm stuck here... 

another day goes by...

another day I ask myself:

why do I, even try...

these shitheads all around me

they poke and prod and pry...

sometimes, I wish that I'd...



cut to a republic outpost, Fiend is standing infront of Ahsoka, Tex, Vile and Mjolnir

Vile: come on sir, your life isn't that bad!

Ahsoka: yeah! plus you've already died once!

Fiend: and who's fault was that, Ahsoka?

everyone looks at Ahsoka, who turns pale

Ahsoka: I- I... um-

Fiend: nevermind! you wanna know about my life? I'll tell you!

cut to Fiend standing over a gravestone, the name on the gravestone reading "April"

Fiend: most of my life has just been misery

cut to Fiend getting kicked in the balls by Tex

Fiend: my legal guardian's such a bitch to me

Fiend walks over to 2 graves, a 3rd one dug out with a sign reading "reserved" over it

Fiend: very soon my death count might be pushing 3

I just don't get how this is hard to see

and as I lie awake at night...






Vile: oh please! you're overly dramatic

Mjolnir: you're clearly... asymptomatic

Tex: your life is hardly, that traumatic

Ahsoka: but yeah, your mothers death was so tragic

cut to Fiend

Fiend: you know I think I change my mind

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