Request: The Avengers vs a few Jedi and Clones (Featuring Fiend)

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Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Bruce Banner, Hawkeye and Black Widow appear in front of the Jedi Temple

Iron Man: F.R.I.D.A.Y. where are we?

F.R.I.D.A.Y.: uncertain

Iron Man: well that's just great

the camera pans showing Anakin just standing there watching

Anakin: uh... how in the h-

Captain America: language

Anakin: did you just talk back to a Jedi Knight?

Iron Man: Shakespeare in the park?

Anakin: what?

Iron Man: doth mother know weareth her drapes

Thor: he really used that line again...

Anakin: I don't know who you are but I will not tolerate you talking back to me

Iron Man: well you're a nice one aren't you?

Anakin then chokes Iron Man and flings him away. the other Avengers point their weapons at Anakin. just as they do, Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse and Hardcase run out, aiming their guns at Earths Mightiest Heroes. then everyone gets into a brawl, the Avengers having the upper hand. the Camera then pans to a high point on the temple, where Fiend and Ahsoka are watching the battle unfold with Sniper Rifles. they lower their guns and look at each other

Fiend: I should probably intervene shouldn't I?

Ahsoka: yep

Fiend drops the Sniper and grabs his Energy Sword

Fiend: be right back

Fiend then jumps down in-between the 2 teams

Fiend: what do we have here, a few super beings and some copied bois

Hulk: Hulk crush other metal man!!

Hulk punches Fiend, but Fiend catches his fist with relative ease


Fiend: not anymore

Fiend then punches Hulk in the chest, turning him back to Banner. Thor looks at Fiend

Thor: you could stop Hulk, but can you stop Mjolnir

Thor throws the hammer at Fiend, only for Fiend to catch said hammer

Fiend: looks like I can

Thor: that's... not possible-

Thor is cut off by Mjolnir hitting him in the head

Fiend: who's next?

Black Widow and Hawkeye run away, leaving Iron Man and Captain America

Captain: you're a military man, so I order you to stand down

Fiend: I outrank you

he then shoots Cap in the head with his magnum, sending his corpse to the gound

Iron Man: well we all know who's gunna win this

Iron Man charges a unibeam attack

Fiend: wow, I'm so scared. if only I had a weapon that could possibly-

an arm mounted missile launcher then pops out of Fiend's robot arm and he aims it at Iron Man

Fiend: Tank Missile!!

he then fires at Iron Man's chest Arc Reactor. lets just say Tony Stark wasn't gunna survive that one. Fiend then faces the Reader, who is reading this chapter

Fiend: I am way too overpowered. plz nerf

post credit scene

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almost there

just a little further

lol get rickrolled

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lol get rickrolled. see ya next time

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