Chapter 9 - Expulsion

Start from the beginning

Hashimoto pointed to the seat, front of him. And there he was, sweating nervously a on his seat, Totsuka Yahiko.

Katsuragi immediately sot up on his seat, "What is the meaning of this hashimoto, what are you up to?"

Hashimoto just kept looking at Yahiko and asked his teacher, "Sensei, could you please check his pockets."

Mashima sensei raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"And why would I do that without any valid reason?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Yeah that's right, there is no reason to check." Yahiko said nervously stuttering.

Hashimoto now turned serious, "I saw Yahiko cheating in this Exam."

Yahiko stood up and glared at hashimoto, "You... you set me up."

Hashimoto didn't bother to look at Yahiko, he had all his attention on Mashima Sensei. Mashima Sensei made his way in front of Yahiko's seat.

Yahiko now looked at his teacher with a terrified expression on his face. "Sensei.." He called out in a low voice.

Mashima sensei sighed and said, "Yahiko please stand up and allow me to inspect you."

Yahiko stood up and said, "Sorry sensei, but you can't just accuse me out of thin air. Are you seriously believing him?"

"I believe I'm the teacher here, so the one to make decisions is solely me and not Hashimoto nor you. Take this as a normal check, I don't mind." Mashima Sensei said in a stern tone towering over the boy. Nearly everyone in Class A felt a shiver to their core, they had always taken Mashima Sensei to be the calm and peaceful one.

Yahiko sat down and looked at Katsuragi. Katsuragi was glaring at hashimoto and said, "Hashimoto, don't tell me you set him up."

Hashimoto just chuckled, "On what basis are you making this claim. Does he have any proof that 'I set him up' as he is Levelling Allegations against me?"

That's when Yahiko realized how helpless he really was at the moment. He remembered his meeting with hashimoto last day.



Hashimoto stood in front of Yahiko leaning on the wall. Kitō was just behind him. Yahiko was glaring at the boy.

"Why have you called me here?" Yahiko asked the blonde-haired boy.

Hashimoto just chuckled, "Man you and Kamuro are really a pain in the ass, I mean don't you understand the meaning of gentle?"

Yahiko grabbed hashimoto collar, "Why the fuck did you call me here. What is to do with Katsuragi San."

Hashimoto smirked and looked at Kitō. Kitō nodded and took out a paper. Yahiko looked at the scene in confusion. But his eyes widened when he heard hashimoto,

"These are the answers of the question paper Class D has set."

Yahiko moved back in shock, "How... how did you get this."

Hashimoto raised his eyebrows, "I don't see how that is any of you concern. But... I believe Katsuragi is your concern."

"What is Katsuragi San's connection with all this." Yahiko asked while glancing at Kitō who was staring at him with an unreadable expression on his face.

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