Part 44

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I had more fun each day that passed. Everyone began watching me practicing my moves and magic. When I wasn't doing that, the three of us talked about various things. Thea made sure to withhold certain things, but answered questions Jayde had otherwise.

I learned that Aurias was able to communicate with anyone, as he had joined in our conversations. Jayde was scared at first, but she seemed to quickly accept the second voice inside her head.

Out of everyone in the party, Jayde was obviously the most shell-shocked. She gained so much information over the course of our journey that any sages, historians, or scientists she approached would think she was an angel sent from the heavens.

One evening while we sat around our campfire, Aurias told us of his past rider a hundred years ago. His name was Fury, and he was an orc that traveled across the lands slaughtering the strongest warriors from different tribes as well as powerful adventurers.

After killing so many strong people, his martial essence drew Aurias to him. At first, Fury tried to kill and eat Aurias, but upon finding out his nature and the immense amount of power he'd gain, Fury made a pact.

The two then went on an even bigger killing spree, downing entire battalions of soldiers with his newfound power and abilities. Aurias recalled Fury's actions – and death – vividly. Fury's final battle took place in the far West in a country that's now called Erendoa.

Fury and his army of orcs steamrolled through most of the country, pillaging, raping, and murdering everyone they found. They came upon the city gates of Dholgud and found the entire city fortified to its maximum capacity.

At the top of one of the towers stood a gnome, barely noticeable in the swathes of soldiers and defenses. That gnome was the country's proclaimed hero who had slayed a dragon by himself; they called him 'Yusef Dragon-Executor'.

The gnome turned out to be a mage, much to Aurias' surprise. At the beginning of the battle, Yusef had manipulated the weather and created a flash freeze around the city. Fury had used his abilities to ward off the magic just enough that his army was able to charge the gates. Fury swung his weapon, sending out a wave of deadly force that shattered the gates and a large portion of wall defending the city.

As the orcs charged in, Yusef burned them with the flames of a dragon before teleporting in front of Fury. Fury swung his battleax against Yusef's small body, but the blade cracked in a brilliant light and shattered.

Yusef headbutted Fury which sent him flying off Aurias dozens of feet backward, tumbling and rolling. When Fury regained his balance, Yusef was already on him casting all manners of spells.

Fury was on the defensive for a long time, dodging and weaving from Yusef's attacks. Every opportunity he got, he retaliated with his fists and legs. For several minutes, Fury had slowly regained the offensive, smashing Yusef into the ground, kicking his small body around and using his immense strength to destroy the ground and terrain around them. The orcs had penetrated the city's defenses and were causing massive amounts of damage to everything they saw.

Yusef noticed the carnage and quickly made his way back into the city to protect everyone he could. Fury followed him and used Aurias' powers to break apart a gigantic part of the city's walls and residential buildings.

He caught up to Yusef and threw him through a crowd of civilians with such force that the innocent people very nearly exploded from the impact. Blood and innards spewed over the soldiers, streets and ground.

The two fought for another minute, going back and forth when Yusef caught an opening. His palm pressed against Fury's chest, right over his heart. In an instant, a large shard of ice sliced through Fury's body, piercing his heart and erupting out his back.

Aurias recalled feeling the pain surge through his own body as Fury dropped to the ground and struggled to move. With his heart gone and his body unable to continue, he died within minutes on the cold ground. The last thing Aurias remembered was everything going black and him entering the Ethereal plane with Galen and a couple other Tarboleth.

"Would you say I'm a better rider than him, then?" I asked jokingly after his story.

"I am unable to say at this time. I apologize," Aurias said.

"I would say you could not ride Aurias if your life depended on it," Thea joked.

Jayde and Thea laughed together.

"I bet I could ride both of you as easily as I can ride Aurias," I snapped back.

A moment of silence ensued.

"Xavier, I do believe you made an innuendo," Aurias pointed out.

"T – that's not what I meant," I sputtered in embarrassment.

Comebacks were never my strong suit. Jayde's face flushed heavily and she looked away bashfully. One of Thea's eyebrows raised up and She cracked a mischievous smile. She moved close ever so gracefully.

"If you wish to ride me, then you should be a man and take action, no?" She whispered.

I was at a loss for words. Were there a leash around my neck, Thea would have it in hand.

The Unbidden: A New World (1) (Short Parts)Where stories live. Discover now