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The conversation doesn't continue until we reach the privacy of Fury's office. The three of us stand in front of his desk as he sits behind it, Maria to his right.

"The Watson family went missing around 2 months ago. We've been trying to track their location for a few weeks now. We sent Agent Barnes in as a way to a get a closer look into the situation. Just to scope out the area and see if he could find any information closer to the investigation. He continued to send updates for 3 days. And then, nothing." Fury told us.

"Did he find anything?" Wanda asks from beside me. I look up at her to see her eyes on the folder in her hands. She is flicking through some information.

Fury shakes his head. "Not that we know of. Every lead he got came out cold. There was no indication that Hydra was involved. That was what we really needed to know. We are aware of their base over in Thailand so there was always the possibility that like you said, they wanted information. But nothing suggests that they are involved"

"Besides the fact that the Watson family had a connection to S.H.I.E.L.D?" I suggest. "Most people that allow themselves to get wrapped in the craziness usually end up regretting that once things turn sour. Perhaps that's what happened to the Watsons?"

"You think things turned sour?" Maria asks. I nod my head.

"What makes you think that?" Fury asks.

"Well you said that Richard uplifted his family and moved all the way out to Thailand for 'work'. That seems like an odd thing to do when your job back home is going perfectly fine. Something must have made him want to leave. And quickly." I look down at the folder in my hands. "It says here that he transferred out to Thailand with only 2 days notice. They packed up and left in the space of 2 days and yet nobody thought that was suspicious?"

Fury looks a little shocked. I try to keep a straight face but in reality I'm jumping up and down on the inside. I had touched a nerve. Fury hated it when someone outsmarted him. He hadn't noticed this vital piece of information and that was obvious by his face. He was shocked.

Maria looks down at Fury. As if waiting for him to make the next move. He stays silent for a while before he finally opens his mouth to talk.

"What exactly are you suggesting Agent Stark?" He asks me.

"What's to say that Hydra hadn't offered him money in exchange for information? Perhaps he's gone rouge?" I suggests. Fury sighs.

"Richard Watson was a good man. He wouldn't give up government secrets for money"

"How do you know that for certain?" Clint asks. "You said that you only worked with him on a few occasions. And I doubt that throughout the entirety of his time here at S.H.I.E.L.D, you were by his side. He may not be the man you expect him to be"

Fury looks defeated. He looks down at the paperwork in front of him. Avoiding looking up at us. "Direction Fury, we mean no disrespect, but we should probably be on our way. The faster we get out to Thailand, the quicker we can get to saving Steve and Bucky. Do you know their last known location?" Wanda asks.

"All the information is in the folder. You can input the coordinates into the tracker and hopefully be able to find their last known location. The rest is down to you. We've told you everything we know. Whatever else is in the reports. Good luck" Fury tells us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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