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We sit around the kitchen table. The kids have already gone to bed and it's just us adults sat having a catch up.

"So how have you been? Both of you" Laura asks. I look over at Wanda and allow her to answer first.

"Um, I've been okay. Just trying to keep myself busy so I don't have time to think about it all" she says softly. I nod my head in agreement.

"Keeping myself busy is probably the only thing that keeps me from falling apart" I add.

Laura looks between us both with such sympathy. "You're both welcome to stay here as long as you need" she tells us.

"Thank you" I reply sincerely.

We move away from the deep conversation and start having a bit of a laugh. "Anyone want a drink?" Clint asks.

"Is that even a question" Wanda says brightly. Clint laughs and gets up from the table. I watch as he walks into the kitchen.

"So how's the love life, you two?" Laura asks with a smirk.

I laugh. "So Clint told you?" I ask with a smile.

She nods. "He's my husband. He tells me everything"

"I should've known"

"So come on girls. Tell me all" Laura says hopefully.

I turn to look at Wanda as she smiles down at her hands. "You wanna go first?" I ask her with a laugh.

"No" she laughs back.

I roll my eyes and take one for the team. "Um okay, so I don't really know what's going on honestly. Things are in a strange place right now"

Laura nods in understanding. "I guess he freaked out or something and ended things before they could really get started" I tell them both.

"And what's happening now?" Wanda asks.

I smile to myself. "We kissed" I tell them. They both cheer excitedly and I laugh. "I think things are starting to look up"

"So there's a chance for the future?" Laura says excitedly.

I blush. "That's the aim" I tell them.

"Your turn" Laura says turning to Wanda. She blushes and bites her lip nervously. I forget that she doesn't know Laura very well so this is probably quite intimidating for her.

"Okay so, for years there's been this unspoken thing between me and Bucky. I sort of ignored it for a while as I was with Vision. I didn't even take any notice of anyone else. Vision was all I cared about. Things changed after he died though, I finally started to see Bucky as something more. I don't know" she blushes.

I smile. I know this is difficult for Wanda as she still cares for Vision. It hasn't been long since he passed.

"At Andi's birthday party, Bucky came to talk to me at the bar. I don't even know what happened really. One minute we were drinking and just having a laugh, the next I was taking him back to my room" she laughs.

The strength within Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora