Part 13~ Boyfriend

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Y/n's Pov
I woke up to the sight of Huey going through something in the closet. I was startled at first but then recognized his afro which was perfect. Im guessing he just did it since he is already dressed.

I got up quietly and went behind him. I really wanted to slap the fuck out of his ass but I know he would kill me so I didn't.

He seemed to be looking for something but doing it quietly thinking I was still sleeping so I tapped his back.

"Goodmorning Huey, are you looking for something?" I ask realizing my voice sounds a bit raspy since I had just woken up.

He slightly jumped and looked back at me. I smiled at him and he kind of smiled back but not really.

He looked at me fully and was taken aback by my pajamas and looked to the side.

"Goodmorning, did I wake you up?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"No not really but what you looking for?" I ask putting my hands behind my back.

"Uh,....I don't even remember." He says looking away from me.

"You good? You seem nervous." I say with a smirk.

"Nah im cool.. you want some breakfast?" He asks trying to keep his eyes up at my face.

"Sure why not, imma go get ready." I say turning around and bending down to open my bag.

"I- alright and can you wake Riley up for me?" He asks now looking at the door.

"What's the magic word?" I ask standing back up smiling at him.

"Its too early for this....please?" He says.

"The magic word was actually pineapple but since you said please nicely I will." I say putting some clothes on the bed.

"Wha- okay." He says shaking his head and walking out the room.

I laugh to myself and get my stuff ready and walk out the room. I found Riley's room pretty quickly since "Reezy" was all on the door.

I knocked on the door before opening it just in case he was already up but I didn't get an answer. I opened the door and walked in his room. To my surprise it wasn't as messy as I thought it would be.

I thought stuff would be everywhere but it wasn't. I saw him on his bed shirtless with the bottom half of his body covered. I walked over to him and tapped him.

He didn't budge so I tapped him a little harder and called his name. He moved a little bit but wasn't awake yet so I bent down and whispered his name so I wouldn't scare him.

He finally started to wake up since he was moving more and let out some type of groan. I tapped him one more time and he started opening his eyes.

I could tell he was adjusting to the light then he looked over at me still squinting his eyes.

"Goodmorning Riley, Huey asked me to wake you up to get ready for breakfast." I say quietly still squatting down on the side of his bed.

"Okay im getting up." He says in a sleepy tone rubbing his eyes.

"Alright I'll leave you to it." I say standing back up and turning to leave.

I left the room and closed the door behind me. I went into the bathroom and set my stuff up for my normal morning routine.

No Pov
When Y/n got up and turned around Riley's eyes grew wide as he watched her walk out. He wanted to touch her ass badly but knew he couldn't.

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