"What- what are you talking about?" Jew asked nervously feeling lost at the sudden situation.

"The money." Tanapon stated easily. "For your son to get away from my son and for both of you to get out from Bangkok. Or maybe Thailand" He exclaimed with a boring expression in his face.

"What in the-" Jew gasped.

"I'm sure you already planned everything. Telling your son to seduce Perth and making him fall for your son and going against me. Now just tell me the amount for you and your son to scramble away from here." Tanapon said with a cold and steely voice.

Jew wanted to throw up hearing the nonsense accusation but braving her heart to fight back. "Sir," she started with a shaky voice. "For your information, I know nothing about what you are talking about and as far as I concerned, me and my son didn't and never had any ill intentions towards you, your family, or your son!"

"Is one million Pound enough?" Tanapon cut her started to write in his check book ignoring Jew explanation.

Jew gritted her teeth before shooting up from his chair and looking down at the superior man in front of him.

"Thank you so much for your concern Sir but just keep your money away since me and my son don't want even one penny from you! And for your information, I cannot accept your baseless accusation against me and my son. I know that we're poor and have nothing to hold against you but just for you to know, me and my son have pride and your accusation had crossed the line."

Tanapon scoffed, "This woman is shameless and sure has the nerves," he thought.

"As you wish Mrs. Suppapong, but make sure to vanish without any traces as I don't want any problem arise in the future," he drawled. "Such as paternity test demands," he smirked wickedly.

Jew fisted her palms by her sides, her face turned red with anger. "I'll make sure that you'll never see us again. You can use that money to stuff your stinky mouth since we don't want to dirty our hands with it." Jew said firmly.

"Are you sure you don't need any? You don't have to keep acting. I already know your real intentions." Tanapon sneered.

"No, thank you. Me and my son resign from this moment," Jew dismissed. "Excuse me sir. Hope you'll have a peaceful life." Jew smiled before rushing out from the suffocating room.

Tanapon Sukumpantanasan clenched his jaws before leaning back against his plush chair.

"Nuisance" He muttered.


Saint wiped at his mouth while entering his room after emptying his stomach in the toilet. He plopped down on his bed. He was feeling tired at the moment since he had caught some weird symptoms such as cramps on his lower tummy and occasional nausea. He rushed to the toilet after having some meat pie for lunch when the urge to throw up forced him to. He blamed it on the spicy food.


Saint eyes blew open when Jew pushed the door opened harshly. She entered the room with a heaving chest and a red face.

"Mae?" He winced and rubbing his temple.

"Who is your boyfriend?" Jew asked angrily towering over him.

Saint paled at his mother sudden aggression. "He- but why suddenly?"

"Just answer me Saint Suppapong!" Jew snapped.

Saint frowned didn't liking his mother's sudden change of attitude from her usual gentleness.

"Mae" he whined trying to touch his mother's hand. His head throbbing from pain.

Jew held her hands up, "I want you to tell me the truth! I already know him, right. He's our master's son, Young Master Perth!" Jew boomed.

Saint swallowed, his eyes widened in shock. "Mae! Please listen to me first." Saint rushed out trying to hug his mother.

"No! I don't want to hear anything." Jew stepped back from him. "How could you Saint Suppapong? Do you know what you've done? That's why you didn't want to tell me who your boyfriend is right?" She boomed.

"But ma!" Saint cried out, tears running down his pale cheeks. "I wanted to tell you, but on the right time."

Jew shook her head, "Go now Saint! Go and end everything with him while I'm still trying to be nice. After that, say goodbye to Plan and pack your things. We're going to leave Bangkok tomorrow morning!?"

"Mae!" Saint sobbed. "Please no! Please listen to me first. How could you do this to me?"

Jew's eyes widened, "If you love me Saint, you'll listen to me. And you'd not getting yourself into this mess in the first place! Enough with the humiliation that I got as I love you enough to not let you involved in this mess any more."

"Mae! What are you talking about? What happened? I cannot leave Perth, we love each other so much!" Saint shouted gasping when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

Jew gripped on his shoulders shaking him, her eyes wide. "Oh my God! You- you did it, aren't you?"

"What?" Saint hissed sitting on his bed while rubbing his tummy, groaning.

Saint gasped as the cramp got even worse. He crouched forward, holding his aching tummy. "Mae" he whined.

"Saint! Did he use protection or not?" Jew asked frantically.

"Mae, it hurts!"

"Oh my God! Are you-?" Jew clasped her hand over her mouth.

Jew didn't manage to finish her question since Saint already passed out sprawling on the bed.

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