Chapter Thirty-Eight : life with her in it made sense

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Chapter Thirty-Eight : life with her in it made sense


A light touch against her forehead she's wincing in pain but she won't let me take her to the damn hospital. I could've prevented any this from happening if I put my fucking ego aside and stayed at my dads tonight. Either way she's had a shitty day. I should've been more caring, more there. I tried to ease the stress as much as possible from her, she called the police and they asked questions she didn't know the answer to. I dealt with it, they can't do much with a hit and run and at this point I could care less. Paige was alive, she in one piece, I'm okay. No one died, my trucks a little beat up but that's fixable.

"Let me take you to the hospital, just to see if you have a concussion or something."

"Parker I'm okay, I just need a shower and to sleep it off," she looked at me.

My first thought was what if she doesn't wake up in the morning but I tried to quiet my fears.

"Are you changing back into your clothes?" I asked, "or did you want me to go buy new ones," I placed a band aid on her forehead even though it stopped bleeding, I just didn't want it to start bleeding again throughout the night, "do you need medicine?"

"I'm okay, I have ibuprofen in my bag."

I nodded, she really wasn't going to let me do anything.

She looked up at me again, "But thank you for being very caring."

"You're okay though, mentally. Since the accident, since we were at my dad's house. We haven't exactly talked about everything that had happened."

"We don't need too," she shook her head like the idea of her sharing anything right now wouldn't be helpful.

"Okay," I nodded trying to be as okay with her response as best as possible, "when you're ready we can," I got up, "do you need anything?" I asked and she shook her head no.

She wasn't doing okay, either she was mad at me or the accident really shook her up. I fucked up big time on the road, we should've stayed at my dads house but I didn't want hell to break loose. When he thinks he's right, he's right. He didn't like Paige because she's the type to speak her mind and I like that about her. The difference between my father and I is the fact that he likes a woman who's more submissive. I didn't care, I'd rather have a woman be direly honest and Paige is when she wants to be open.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed flipping through channels on the couch. I was giving up a good night's sleep by sleeping on the couch instead of the bed because Paige didn't need to lose sleep.

She was in the shower for a good thirty minutes, I might as well take a shower after her so she can try to fall asleep out here. I wouldn't be doing much of that anyways. I'm worried about her and Paige being who she is, is making my life a little harder. We should've gone to the doctors or something but she thinks she's okay. I can't force her to go in there. Everything that happened at the scene of the accident came out all wrong. The police not showing up, the weather, the driver disappearing, the only right thing that happened is the two girls who helped us out of the ditch but even then Paige wasn't very responsive to the two of them and I have my ideas as to why but if I asked her she'd deny the accusation.

"Parker, we need a toothbrush and I need a hair brush," Paige said, opening the door and poking her head out.

"I'll go get some; Walmart's right next door." I grabbed my keys and Paige grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Did you want me to come too?" she asked.

I looked at her and she was dressed but she looked tired, was she asking because she wanted to come or was she asking because she wanted to know if I genuinely wanted to come with. I never would mind company when it came to Paige but I also didn't want to force her back into the truck. She was terrified of that thing but tried to play it off as if it didn't bother her.

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