Who does he think he is?

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JJ Pov

"So let's recapitulate this guy teaches men how to flirt?" Rossi inquires as we enter the local

"Yes, maybe you should take notes" I tease him, Emily and I erupt in laughter before going towards the guy

Viper is the name that he has chosen

If you ask me, that name is ridiculous

"Excuse me we are from the FBI, can we ask you some questions?" Emily tells him

"For you I have enough time pretty girl" he replies her as he gets too close

"Keep your distance please" I state as I shoot him a glare

"We have an unsub who is coping your methods" Rossi explains him

"Cool thing to do, he has learned something" he comments smiling

"Or you could give us your attended list, that might help us find him" Emily asks him

"No" He responds

"No?" She inquires looking at him

"My class expects a certain amount of confidentiality, I won't compromise that" he answers

"We can came back with a warrant" I state

"Be my guest" he tells me

"What club did you go to last night?" Emily asks him

"I was at Club Acua and I have recipes and tests that back me up" he tells her

"Now you might not want to believe that my style works and here in this harsh light you have the advantage, but maybe on my terms, huh the things that I could make to you" he adds getting too close to Emily

"Sure" she tells him laughing

"If you know something more call us" Rossi says as he hands him a card

"Please tell me that we aren't  actually believing this guy" Emily mutters as we get in the car

'He actually said that to Emily?' Garcia asks me as I call her from the car

'Yes he did, so what can you tell me about that moron?' I ask her

' I can tell you that Vipers real name is Paul Thomas' She tells me

'Penelope we need the names of the students and a couple thing of what this guy teaches' I order her

'I need a couple of hours for that' She says

The three of us arrive to the station were the rest of the team is waiting already

"We need to get close to the teacher to get the unsub" Hotch tells us

"We need to profile him" Rossi says

"We need someone who catches Vipers eyes, someone that he is already attracted too" Spencer comments

"No, no over my dead body" I tell them

"We are not going to put Emily on a club with a moron by her side" I add

"JJ, it's an order, plus you are going to go with her" Hotch tells me

"Oh this is really going to suck" Emily mutters


Hours later, we are getting ready to go, well I was ready, Emily was still with her work clothes

"When did you have time to pack that dress?" I point to the red dress that's by the bed

"I always have one thing like this, you never know where are you going to use it" she explains

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