Looking at you

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JJ Pov

"Morgan, Garcia are you guys ready?" I ask them as we get closer

"Sorry guys but we have a case" Hotch says from his office

"Really just now that we were going to have night off" Garcia comments

"We have time off for that when I get back" Morgan tells her

"Okay that was very inappropriate right now" I tell them as we walk to the room

"Jayje let them be" Emily says as she grabs my hand

"I see you guys too much" Rossi says as he arrives in a tuxedo

"Looking for your fifth wife Rossi?" Emily teases him

"Lets get this straight i only had three wifes" he remarks as he sits down

"Okay, now that the number of Rossi's wife's is cleared, Garcia please" Hotch says as he sits down

"Five women have been stabbed in the stomach, the police have found bottles of detergent next to their bodies, the victims had also detergent under their nails" Garcia explains

"I looks like he made them clean their own blood" I point out

"We have to investigate so wheels up in 20" Hotch orders

All of us get up when I notice Emily running to the bathdroom

I quickly grab her purse and follow her

I found her in the bathdroom throwing up all her breakfast, I kneel beside her and hold her hair back

"Are you okay?" I ask her as she sits on the bathdroom floor

"I think so, do you happend to have my purse?" She inquires

"Yes here" I say as I hand it to her

"Shit, I don't have the pills" she mutters

"Dont worry, I have a bunch of those here" I tell her as I hand her one

"How did you-

"Just in case you forgot" I say as I grab her face

"Are you going to kiss me, I have just throw up" she says

"It doesn't matter" I say as I put my hand on her check and smash our lips together

"Guys, all the team is already waiting" Penelope shouts

"Okay Pen" I yell back

"Let's get up" I state as I grab her arms helping her into her feet

"Are you sure that you can get into the plane, it's a long trip until we arrive to Nebraska" I state as we open the door

"Pussy cat, you are so pale" Garcia comments

"Thank you Penelope" Emily tells her smiling

"Don't you prefer to stay in my cave in this case?" Penelope ask her

"No no, I'm fine to fly okay, I just need to drink a little bit of water and I'll be fine" she comments

Penelope looks at me worried

"Pen don't look at me like that, it's whatever she wants to do" I tell her

"Come in, the team is waiting, bye Pen" Emily says as she grabs my hand

"Bye Em, be safe!!" She tells her

"Now that we are all here, let's start, victimology" Hotch says as we take a seat on the double seats

"We know that he can have a woman go with him, thanks to the video that the police sent Garcia" Morgan says

"Only 40 percent on woman follow a man home, they usually have to get to know him a little before saying yes" Spencer comments

"Whereas guys follow a women everywhere" he continues

"Come on, I don't follow a woman into a street" Morgan jokes

I look at him laughing

"What?" He asks

"Sure you wouldn't " I comment

"I'm not that stupid, like all the people who buy a stuffed animal to their dates" he comments

"Men" Emily says

"What do you mean?" Derek ask confused

"Its not people, it's men" she points out

"No no, I'm sure that JJ has done it for you" he says

"She hasn't brought me to a carnival" Emily says

"And if I do that I would never waste my money in those scamed prizes" I state as I grab her hand

"Now that it's cleared, it's late, when we arrive we are going to check on the hotel" Hotch says

"Did you buy Hayley a stuffed animal Hotch?" Derek ask him

"Yes, but because she wanted a pink giraffe" he responds smiling

"How is her, do you know the sex of the baby?" Emily ask him

"Not yet, but I hope it's a girl" Aaron reponds

We arrive to the motel already tired and ready to sleep

"Go to sleep, tomorrow at 9 in the station" Hotch order all of us

"Night guys" I say as i grab Emilys hand an go out of the elevator

"Finally we are alone" emily tells me

"Im very tired, plus until i dont speak with the doctor i dont want to risk it" I respond her

"Come on jayje just a little bit" Emily muttrrs in my ear

"Nope, you need to rest" I state aai open the door

"Dont you love me anymore?" She inquires

"Im going to tell you a secret" I sqy

"Go ahead" she says as she goes to sit on the bed

" I love you more than i love myself, so dont doubt that i dont love you, never" I mutter before giving her a peck

"You may have to show it to me then" she tease grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer

"Maybe other night, but not now, put your pyjamas on, you must be pretty sleepy" I say as I caress her left check   

"You are no fun jayje" she announces as she takes off her clothes and putting her pyjamas on

"Whatever you say baby" I respond as I wrap my arms around her

"I like to feel you close" she says pressing herself more

"That's a thing that I can agree on" I responds as I pick her in a swift movement and carry her to the bed

"Goodnight darling, night little Jareau" I add as I give a kiss to her covered belly

"Who says that the baby's last name is going to be Jareau?" She teases

"I guess that we will have to discuss it when the time is near" I comment as i shut the light

"You will have to give me some good reasons" Emily says

Goodmorning/ good afternoon I hope that y'all had a great day

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Until next time!!

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