
699 23 4

JJ Pov

I woke up as my alarm sounds at 6:30am with Emily's naked frame in my arms

"Darling" I mutter giving her little kisses into the back of her neck

"Let me sleep" she whispers

"I can't do that princess, we have to get ready for work" I say as I go into the bathdroom to take care of my morning wood

As I exit the shower with my work clothes already on Emily is still in bed

"Em, come on" I say as I sat on the bed

"I'm so tired" she mutters into the pillow

"If you are tired, maybe we have to make our sex life in more spaced periods of time" I say smiling

"No no, that won't be necessary" she says as she sits on the bed

"Why are you always prepared while I haven't even gone to the bathdroom" she says yawing

"Because I love mornings" I answer her as I go to the kitchen to prepare some toast for us to eat

As I finish making them, she hugs me from behind

"Hey how are you?" I ask as she sits on the chair

"Very tired" she mutters eating a piece of toast

"I hope we only have paperwork today" she adds

"Well since we haven't revived a call yet, I suppose that it's only paperwork" I states finishing my toast

"We should get going" I add as I look to the clock hanging on the kitchen wall

"Let me grab my purse" she says as she goes towards my living room

"Now I'm ready" she says with the purse in her hand

"Perfect, you are stunning" I comment as she comes to my side

I close the front door and we continue towards my car

"Morning girls" Rossi greet us as we got out of the elevator

"Hey Rossi whats up?" Asks Emily as she goes to her desk

"I already consulted the rest of them team, now, the only people left are both of you" he says

"For what?" I ask curious

"For a family dinner in my house, tonight at 6:00pm, so I agreed with Aaron that we can go home at 4:30pm" he concludes

"Count with us" Emily says smiling

"Perfect, I expect both if you to be puntual" he says as he goes up to his office

"So we have plans for tonight then" I say

"Yeah we do" she says

"Somebody had a long night" Morgan comments as he sees Emily yawn

"Somebody wants to mind their own bussines" she replies sitting in desk chair

"See you at lunch" she adds

"Sure" I say as I go to my office to work

The day goes pretty quickly, lunch comes and goes and it's nearly time to go home to prepare ourselves for the dinner at Rossi's

A knock is heard on my door

"Come in" I say looking at my files

"Hey, it's time to go" Emily says as she enters and shuts the door

"Give me a minute, is anyone here?" I say reviewing my last file

"I don't think so, why?" She ask as she goes to sit on my sofa

Whatever It TakesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ