Inventions, Upgrades, And Lizards

Start from the beginning

(A/N: did y'all know CCR was from Northern California? Their heart's in dixieland, so the south welcome them with open arms anyway.)

His southern accent really came out here, and it was the first time anyone other than Kazuma had heard it this thick.

Darkness: "Just where is he from?"

Aqua: "He said he was from the south, but man, I didn't think it'd be this strong."

Megumin: 'Can his voice get any more attractive? Wait, I need to get his attention!'

She stopped him halfway through the song.

Megumin: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Oh hey. When did you wake up?"

Megumin: "Hours ago."

(Y/N): "Huh. Time flies."

The girls all let out an exasperated sigh.

Megumin: "What did you make?"

(Y/N): "A Stratocaster. I've gone with a standard strat first."

Megumin: "...A guitar?"

(Y/N): "Yep. Why? Wait don't tell me, Aqua called me lazy or something."

Darkness: "Spot on."

(Y/N): "Well unlike her, I'm working. I'm gonna start selling guitars."

Megumin: "How do you go about making them? Is it always as quick as you've done it?"

(Y/N): "No, but the fact that the pickups use manatite speeds the process up. Even then, it took me all day yesterday to find a Basswood tree. Then I had to cut it down, chop it up, shape the body, cut the neck, size the frets, place the frets, level the frets, I had to kill a rabbit to get bone for the nut, and I used the other bones for knobs and pickup selector, then the process of getting a smith to cast the tuners, bridge, and strings, then-."

Megumin: "How long have you been going at this?"

(Y/N): "Since around...8 last night I think?"

Darkness: "Did you even sleep?!"

(Y/N): "No. But it's all good, I finished her in good time. Now I just need a name..."

Darkness: "Those things shoot lightning. Are you sure you want to sell them to just anyone?"

(Y/N): "Oh no, they don't all shoot lightning."

Darkness: "What?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, no matter how hard I try, I can't get any lightning from this. Amelia is the only one. The manatite still makes it loud though. And I ain't selling this one anyway. I named her already."

Megumin: "Didn't you just need a name?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but I decided while we were talking. Lizzy is her name."

Everyone but (Y/N) seemed to deadpan.

Darkness: "Well, at least you've been productive."

(Y/N): "Yeah, but it's finally catching up with me. I...I need a coffee. Or four."

(Y/N) walked over to Kazuma.

(Y/N): "Scoot."

Kazuma: "Why?"

A Wonderful Adventure For This Metalhead (KonoSuba x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now