1 - Me

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This is going to be a little introduction to who she is, the rest of the chapters will be longer.
I'm going to update tomorrow with the next part of the story and update every Friday!

I hope you like this story, I've had it in a folder under my bed since summer 2014 when I wrote it.
I would like to thank @MrsKierstynHood for suggesting I put it up:)

Don't forget to comment what you think or inbox me and vote!:)


My name is Rose and I live in a 2 bedroom house with my dad and my little 4 year old sister Mia. My mum passed away nearly a year ago when she died of cancer. We have all been taking it hard but, my dad is the worst. He drinks none stop and goes out every night to take the pain away. Me and my dad never speak to each other, he is always out the house and I've become afraid of him, he isn't the person he used to be. Life is a lot harder without mum.

The last few nights I have had barely any sleep, because my dad has gotten even worse, he has started to get into trouble nearly every night, he goes out, then comes back home making loud noises throwing plates and smashing glasses on the wall.

School isn't very important to me, the only reason I go is to see my best friends. I have three best friends; Courtney, Emma and my neighbour Tyler.

I would say Tyler is my best best friend, He is one year older than me but, he has known me since birth, he is the one that is always there if you need a shoulder to cry on. We have lots of memories together like we have a special tree house in my back garden that we have used since we were little kids.

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