Kara stared back in shock. Had Lex actually said something nice about Kara? Alex seemed to be in just as much shock as her mouth was left open. Lena however looked torn. Between her love and a life full of friends, and a brother she had grown up inseparable from.

Lena looked back at Kara, asking for help with her eyes desperately. Kara put her hand on her shoulder.

"Lex I can tell you care deeply about your sister and I do as well. I promise that I will protect her against anyone and anything. You and I may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but we both care about Lena. For her let us put our differences aside. I won't be the one taking family away from one another."

Lex actually seemed relived to hear this. He physically relaxed. Lena rubbed Kara's arm and gave Lex one last glare, "Don't ever try anything against Kara again Lex. Or I will take care of you myself."

Lex nodded seriously and honestly seemed to want to reunite with his sister more than anything. An awkward tension took over and Alex pushed Lena and Lex into a hug.

"Oh come on Luthors never a dull moment with you. Hug it out now."

Kara was surprised Lex even knew how to, but he hugged Lena and her to him and there was actually a nice feeling in the air. The Luthors had made up, and perhaps now things would be even easier for Kara and Lena. At least that's what Kara thought.

When they stopped hugging Alex walked up and clapped Lex on the back.

"Ahhhh Lex. If you ever hurt my sister or even your sister again, I'll have you spitting slugs for weeks."

Lex actually looked mildly entertained and intimidated. He nodded his head and gave his word. And in an odd turn of events the superfriends were now being friendly towards Lex. Though with a lot of complaining and badgering from James and Winn.

The weekend came and it was finally time for the quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. The whole castle seemed to be elevated in excitement. People sported yellow and black flags the most, everyone was excited to see Kara play. This year she had been better than ever before. She couldn't explain what it was, just that she had more of a desire to be better than ever. Perhaps it had something to do with a beautiful Ravenclaw that always watched her from the stands, cheering louder than anyone else.

Kara got dressed along with the other Hufflepuffs on her team. The excitement within the tent was almost to much to contain. Their team had 5 straight wins without a single loss and were fairly certain they were going to win the cup this year. Barry and Kara ran around the tent yelling at the top of their lungs a Hufflepuff chant, causing the others to become even more excited and ready for the game ahead. The time came when they had to walk out onto the field and the noise that erupted around them was monumental. Kara and her team couldn't help but feel like celebrities.

She looked towards the stands and noticed her raven haired princess (Lena often laughed whenever Kara referred to her this way) near the front of the stands with her close friend Sam from Ravenclaw and Lex. He actually had a smile on his face and was sporting a Hufflepuff flag that she was sure Lena had forced into his hands as he held it curiously as if not sure if it was going to bite him at any moment. Kara smiled brightly and walked away from her teammates to run over and hop on the stand where Lena was and kiss her quickly before the game. Lena blushed and beamed brilliantly.

"Good luck out there Supergirl."

"As long as you are here I've already won," Kara said before both Sam and Lex made mocking vomiting noises before she left the stands and returned to her team who clapped her on the back making kissing noises. She pushed them off with a smile on her face. It was then that she noticed her. Across the fields in the stands, her burgundy hair bright in the early spring sun.

Reina looked dead on at Kara, her eyes seemed to hold a dark and seductive look in them. Kara had not seen much of Reina since that night in the astronomy tower. They had seen each other a few times, when she would hang with her sister, or pass each other in classrooms and hallways. Reina made no move to talk to Kara but have her long and desired filled looks that caused Lena to snap her quill once.

Kara nodded her head towards Reina, acknowledging her. Reina winked back and Kara's eyes went wide before she walked away, that was enough of that for today.

The match began and as always Hufflepuff was making a killing of Gryffindor. Kara would fly around her sister and James a few times each of them laughing and trying their hardest to best the other. James did an impressive goal that caused the crowd to go wild. He clapped Alex's hand and they stuck their tongues out towards Kara. She laughed and shook her head bringing her attention back to catching the snitch. It had yet to present itself so she focused on helping her team score. She did not hold back today. Her moves on the field had the crowd cheering and chanting her name. When she helped her team get another goal in on Gryffindor she threw her fist up in the air and the crowd lost it. The score was 180 to 70.

Kara's eyes found Lena in the crowd and she flew by and blew her kiss from her broom. Lena blushed fiercely and waved at her from the stands, slightly biting her lip. That's when Kara saw it, the slight glimmer of the snitch. She took off without hesitation and chased it. Gryffindor's seeker came up behind her also trying to catch the snitch. For a few moments they fought for the position closest to the snitch but the other seeker just couldn't keep up with Kara and the snitches erratic turns.

Snow began to fall, but that didn't stop either of them. The snitch made a turn upwards and Kara chased it high into the clouds biting back the cold air on her cheeks and blinking her eyes to try and clear her vision from the snow. The snitch was so close Kara could practically feel it's wings on her fingertips. She noticed that the other seeker was not behind her anymore and she wondered just how high in the sky and she really been following the snitch. Before she could give it more thought she pushed with all her strength and caught the snitch!

At the exact same time her broom jerked suddenly beneath her and as she tried to grip onto it it shocked her back almost rejecting her touch. What was happening ? She reached for it again as it started to jerk wildly and as she went to grip it the broom burned her hands at its touch. She couldn't grab onto it! On a final and wild move from the broom it shook her off and Kara was falling through the clouds to the pitch bellow.

She was in a state of shock, falling in what felt like slow motion and she clawed above at her broom even though it was helpless. She had never fallen off her broom not even once in her 7 years playing. How could this have happened. Kara never fell.

Her robes flapped around her and the snow cascaded down slowly. Everything seemed slow to her even though she was sure she was falling fast. Too soon for her own liking the quidditch came in sight and she saw everyone in the stands freeze shock and terror on every single face. Kara knew her time was running out and she needed to see her face one more time. She found Lena in the crowd, eyes wide with fear, reaching over the stands towards her. Lex with a hand on her shoulder and shock in his eyes, Sam covering her mouth with her hands, tears in her eyes.

Kara looked at her as she fell and reached out towards her Lena. Merlin she was happy she met her. Lena was the best thing to come into Kara's life. She was torn at the thought that her time with her might be up. She reached out towards her and whispered a silent sorry.

The ground came up faster and faster and Kara closed her eyes before the impact bracing herself for it. Her back slamming into the sand below her and the final thing she heard was Lena screaming her name. And then nothing.

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