"The thing is I need to keep the three of them in hiding." Owen stood up and I first I thought he was going to argue with me but to my surprise he looked clam. "I'll go write to Theodore then." I grab on Owens arm before he could leave, "No!." I looked between him and the rest of the group and let go of his arm.

"We can't trust Theodore anymore." The groups faced went fully in shock. Sebastian seemed to be bothered by my comment towards his brother. I sit back down and take a seat, "it's all a fuckin web, we can't trust Max or Theodore." I rub my head trying to stay clam. "We are all we have." Everyone starts looking at each other and stays silent.

Sebastian gets up walks out slamming the door on his way out. I quickly get up and ran after him, I try to pull him back but he managed to slip his arm out of my grip. "Sebastian listen to me." The boy kept trying to get away from me and I wasn't going to cause a scene in front of everyone. I open the bathroom door and push him inside and go inside with. "Just stop!." I yell towards him.

Sebastian slams both his hands on the sink and yells out in frustration. "The fuckin explain to me!." I stayed quiet for a moment and he tried to get past me but I push him into the wall. "Your brothers Theodore and Matteo are working for your father, they were going all along with him." His face expression turned from angry to disappointment.

"And so is Max, Blasie, Pansy, Draco and almost half of the Slytherin house." I lowered my voice for only him and I to hear. I let him go and he looked like he was still trying to process what I was trying to say to him. "So we can't trust nobody?." His voice was low but shaky at the same time. I shook my head and I hugged him. I know this must be really hard on him since he was slowly bonding with Theodore.

I open the door and we walk back towards our compartment. On the way back I made eye contact with Max and give him the death stare. Whoever gave him a purple eye I needed to thank but personally I wish I was the one to beat him up. But for now after what I did to his family is enough and eventually the rest would come later. I open the doors and Sebastian and I take a seat.

Along the way to Hogwarts nobody said a single thing. We all had a lot to think about since for now on things weren't going to be as easy.

Draco's POV:

Black smoke filled up the cabin and I immediately stood up, some of the students were coughing and trying to look through the dark cloud. "What is that?." I looked back at my friends then back at the other students.

Pansy stood up from her seat, "Relax boys it's probably a first year messing around." I looked around to see if anything odd stood out to me but still nothing, everyone seemed to feel unease with what happened. "Come on Draco sit down we'll be at Hogwarts soon." The back cloud began to vanish, Blasie and I went back to our seats.

Max began to laugh, "scared of some black smoke?."

I rolled my eyes at him this guy has been getting on my nervous lately. If he keeps pushing my buttons I'll punch his eye to even it out the purple eye Matteo gave him. I wasn't very pleased with what Max had done to Ashley and we still don't know anything about her but I hope she's doing just fine. I wish I could run after her to see for myself but nobody knows were she could be. "Hogwarts, what a pathetic  excuse for a school." My comment made Crabbe and Goyle snicker.

I kept playing around with my ring, " I think I would pitch myself off of the astronomy tower before I have to continue another two years." I looked out the train window and imagined how that would turn out for me. The pressure has been too much lately but clearly I didn't mean it, I still wanted to see my parents grow old.

"What is that supposed to mean?." Pansy sat up straight and looked concerned for me.

I looked up at luggage rack because I thought I heard something move. "Let's just say I'm not waiting my time in charms class next year." This made Blasie and Max snicker. I raised my eye brow and looked between both is them, "Amused Blasie? We'll see who's laughing at the end". I look up again and see the luggage move. I knew it wasn't just my imagination. Something or someone was causing it to move.

The Grindelwald'sOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant