If your still breathing

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Toms POV
I delivered the note to her door with full anticipation, I was eager to see her, to be with her but I knew we still needed time apart. I also had no idea if she was even still talking to Harry because they haven't spoke at all.

Once I delivered the note I decided to go on a walk to clear my head.

And in that moment I froze. I was in shell shock. There in the road lay y/n. She looked so helpless, lifeless. I ran over to her with all that I had and started to call an ambulance whilst trying to get her heart pumping again. I screamed in pain, my heart ripping out of my chest. How could this happen, she's not breathing? The one that I loved lay beneath me cold and full of blood. I never knew pain like this could exist in life, I cried endlessly at the thought of our last words being an argument and me telling her to leave and that I hate her.

The ambulance came shortly after and she was rushed straight to the hospital.

As her soulless body lay in the bed, hooked onto life support machines I sat by her side. She was breathing but barely.
Your POV!
The echoing of beeping echoed through my ears. I couldn't move at all and it didn't even feel like I was alive, however I felt a familiar hand holding on to mine. My favourite touch. It filled my heart but breaking it too because I knew I was slowly dying. I knew he had been in the room all day, this boy, how could I not love him. But I guessed he didn't feel the same way about me, he hated me. I betrayed him. He just sits right beside me, holding me. Your breathing slowly becomes heavier, as to you you know what that means.

Suddenly, you hear Tom talking to you.
"Y/n love I know you can't hear me but I just want you to know that I'm so madly in love with you. I'm so sorry, please just wake up for me for a life without you isn't worth living. I really am in love with you, please don't leave me like this. The truth is I've always had a thing for you, from the moment you were old enough to play in the garden with me I had a crush on you and since I've been in love with you. "

Every word you heard clearly, it meant something. He was trying to tell you that he had always been in love with you. He always tried talking to other girls to block you away since he knew if you got too attached to him, it would hurt. He knew it would hurt seeing you go. But he just couldn't help it, he kept falling in love with you more everyday. And here he is, finally confessing it to you after all these years.

Tom-it's okay y/n you can rest now. You can let go of this pain, don't worry now. I love you, okay?

And with that he kissed you on your head and everything went pitch black and the machine went flatline.

Tom Holland is my best friends brother. Where stories live. Discover now