"With who? Who's her true love huh?" y/n asks.

"Well... we love her. Right" Mal says.

"You want us to give Aurora true love's kiss? Sounds a bit incestial. And we can't be sure that that's how it works. True love's kiss is usually meant in a way between lovers." y/n explained.

"Yes. But what if it's not?" Maleficent tries to reason.

"We can't risk Aurora's life on an 'if'" y/n says.

"Well we can't risk your life on your love with that butterfly" Maleficent says.

"I have the utmost of trust in my love with 'that butterfly'" y/n says.

"18 years sleeping together, and I don't see a ring on that finger." Mal said.

"Well she's asked about it, but we've agreed that marriage is too over the top for us. You don't have to be married to be in love, Mal." y/n argues back.

The blue butterfly lands on y/n's shoulder. "Isn't that right, love" y/n says to the creature.

"Fine. Transfer the curse. What do I care?" Maleficent says, teleporting away.

Y/n goes to continue her curse.

"Wait! I'm sorry for snapping at you" Maleficent says, teleporting back to y/n.

"Don't do this. Surely we can figure something else out." she begs, even though she hated begging.

"Please. I just... don't know what I'd be without you" she whispers.

Y/n smiles. "You won't be. This is just a precaution. I'll be woken up, and then we'll all be one big happy family, okay?" y/n reassures, putting her hand on the dark fairy's shoulder.

Maleficent smiles softly, nodding, before poofing away.

And then y/n successfully transfers the sites onto herself.

Then, her butterfly starts rapidly flapping her wings around y/n.

"What is it? Into a woman" she says, turning the butterfly into a woman.

"Hey Saf. What's wrong" y/n asks.

"Oh come on. You know Maleficent hates my guts. I've put up with this for far too long" she complains.

"She does not. She's only joking. I'll tell her to stop" y/n responded, trying to calm down her butterfly.

"That's what you said last time, and I stuck around you for years, and you never did good on your promise. You always rather spend time with her than me" she says.

"And I saw the way you two were looking at each other earlier. You're both head over heals in love." the butterfly continues.

"Saf, that's insane. We're just friends. I love you" y/n tried to reassure.

Sapphire chuckles. "I've been by your side for over 18 years. I know you better than you know yourself" she said, sadly.

"But—" y/n tried to speak, on the verge of tears, getting cut off by the butterfly.

"Do you remember the first day we met?" Sapphire asks y/n.

"Of course I do" y/n responded.

"Well, I told you that I'd be anything you needed. Anything at all. And you said..." Sapphire begins.

"That I just needed a friend" y/n finishes, smiling through her slight tears.

The butterfly nods. "You were lonely, and you'd just lost Maleficent. But now, you're no longer alone. You have Maleficent again. I'm no longer needed" Sapphire says, gently.

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