I need his touch pt.2

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Tw: Panick attack, abuse, flashback


They both gasped when his hand connected with my face. He removed it but the damage was done.







"Haha karl you have powder on your face" Rehan said

I was smiling at them when my bedroom door busted open.I didn't even get to turn around when I was dragged backwards by my hair. Rehan and karl gasped but knew not to do anything but leave. He dragged me all the way down the stairs back and butt hitting every step.

I knew they were following so they could leave if not my dad wouldn't hesitate to beat them too. I know how badly they wanted to help. I know how badly they wanted to record and show it to the cops but...I forbid them. I blamed myself. I told myself I deserve everything coming my way.

He stood me up and slapped me over my face multiple times. He did it so many times the stinging from each slap never ended. He didn't stop even when tears started streaming down my face making the force of his slaps hurt more. He slapped me at least 50 times before his last hit sent me to the floor.

Karl and Rehan saw the whole thing...

I had sunk to the floor reliving that memory while repeating the words

He's gonna hurt me

In my head over and over again. Rehan kept apologizing while Karl was trying to calm us both down. He seemed frustrated about who to go to first until Rehan pushed him towards me. He didn't touch me this time he just whispered things to me

It's okay

He's not here

He's in jail

His hands will never be on you again

No ones gonna hurt you

I'm here to protect you

Don't think about him

I calmed down eventually but....

I needed his touch

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