Roadtrip ~ Dreamteam + Quackity

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"They're asleep"

Dream caught on at George's curiosity turning to face him in the front. Chuckling slightly at the sight he had seen.

"All three of them?"

"Yeah look"

He cocked his head to look in the rearview mirror to see the three of you in the back. you leaning your head on sapnap shoulder and quackity's head falling down onto yours, sapnaps head was resting on your own.

"Ha, cute"

Slightly blushing as he looked back at the three of you quickly redirecting his site to the road and trying to hide the tinge of red on his cheeks from dream.




Dream began to slowly shake the three of you as the car pulled to a Holt at a petrol station. Trying to be civil and polite at first giving you a gentle nudge and shake well whispering in your ears. Before he quickly gave up after that attempt had failed.



The three of you waking up in a jolt at the scream that had come from in front of you. You swearing at the scare.

"Oh damn, how royal of you"

"Haha. Are we there?"

Try not to take a note of dreams subtle joke about you being George's future partner and brushing it off to assume you had arrived at your destination

"No, but were getting snacks. so pick what you want"

Thinking to yourself for a moment as the other boys got out of the car, not really wanting to move and just wanting to go back to sleep. All you asked for was some simple chips.

"Can you grab me some chips?"

"George is shouting it"

While George was easily the richest there that didn't mean he wanted to pay for everything. But it also didn't mean he was going to decline his friends some free snacks. He was still a bit shocked a dream suddenly pushing him under the bus for paying though.


"Okay, I'm coming in!"

At the mention of someone else paying you jolted out of your seat ready to buy the whole petrol station if you could. Pushing past dream to be the first inside.

"You can finally use a proper toilet, bush boy!"

Using this moment to get back at dream for his joke about George earlier. Dream suddenly tensing up as he remembered the scene from earlier.

"Don't call me that ever again, plus I don't even need to go now."

The rest of you laughed as dream covered his face in embarrassment from what he done before. Before following the rest of you into the petrol station, George following in disguise to cover up from any paparazzi that could be around.

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