Yandere Pillar men reacting their suicidal daring

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Request: Pillarmens react after kidnapping their S/O who lost all their emotions and requests them to kill her/him?


-When you first told him that you wanted him to kill you, he stopped what he was doing and turned to you slowly with his still stoic face

-He told you to repeat yourself as he picked you up and up you in his lap facing him

-As you repeated yourself, he growled at you as he tilted your head up to look you in the face.
"Why would you say something like this? After all, I do for you? After all the jewels and power I give you, you want me to hurt you?" He said in a quiet voice

-You didn't say anything as you looked back into his ruby-red eyes. The eyes that used to make you so scared, now mean nothing to you.

-For the first time in his life, he doesn't know what to do. This is a lot to take in at once, For the time being, he keeps you by his side all during the day, to make sure you don't harm yourself in any way


-When he kidnapped you, he had the best intentions. He wanted you as his mate and until you agree to be with him, he didn't let you out of your room. Not that you really needed to come out, you had everything in there and he brings you three meals a day.

-Even though you were in the room by yourself that doesn't mean he doesn't come to visit you.
When he does stop by to visit you he brings gifts Of all sort that might interest you into staying with him of course though it never works, every time he gets near you, you try to inch away from him.

-After about two months of being with him, things were not getting any better. It came to the point well you would rather die than be left in this hell hole with him.

-This is when you asked him that dreadful question. He didn't know what to do, hell... he didn't even know what to say. Overcome with so many emotions he busts down sobbing right in front of you. You didn't do or any anything as you've seen this side of him so many times before.
You waited patiently as the fire giant cried loudly at your feet. It didn't take long maybe like 10 minutes for him to stop crying and get up to face you.His face sad face was replaced with a much serious expression as he looked down at you 

-"You don't mean what you say little one. You are just tired... how about tomorrow night, if you are good. We can go into a village nearby, okay?"
even though this made was a nice change, it still doesn't change the fact that you have still had to stay with him


-He will not stand for it. No matter how many times you plea for him to take your life, he will not listen to you. How did you get like this? Why did you get like this? He has treated you kindly and has protected you endlessly. Why would you ever want to leave him? 

-It's gotten to the point where you would smash his things and try to step on his shadow to try and get him to kill you are at least hurt you. It's been so long since you felt something, you would give anything to feel again.

-But this was taking it too far, after you purposely step on his shadow for the ten time today, he had enough. "Why are you acting like this? I have done nothing to make you will like this! You were not weak enough, to fight for yourself which is why I took you. Don't you see that?!" he asked you as he picked you up til you two were eye level with each other

-You just looked at him as you repeated the same phrase you have been saying for the past month. He sighed as he took you to the room you both have shared and sat you on the bed. He then told you that he would be out for a while, but he should be back in a few hours.
He had to clean his mind. Maybe Kars has something that can mellow you out for a little.


-just like Wamuu, he is very confused as to why you are asking his to kill you. However he handles it a little "better" than the other pillar men. 

-He might not be emotional there all the time, but he is book smart.

-he will read a lot of things about what he thinks is going on with you.

-Honestly, it would be better, if you just tell him what's wrong. Because when he gets a plan in his head, he's going to do it, no matter what it takes.

-Which leads to now, he had you pinned down as he tries to force a pill down your throat. All of your screams fall on death ears as he brings the pill closer to you.

-"Shhh... little mate, you will feel better soon" He said as he was finally got the pill in your mouth.
He was right...you didn't feel like dying, you didn't feel like anything.

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