Chapter Fifteen

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Everyone agreed to watch another movie after they had eaten, again trying to educate Zoë and Steve. They had settled on some kind of science fiction movie, it was called Star Battle or Space Wars or something like that but Zoë was barely able to pay attention, she was exhausted after all that running and crying.

"I'll take her to bed" Zoë heard a familiar voice say as she was scooped into a warm pair of arms. She smiled as she smelled pine wood. Loki. "Hush pet, I've got you" he soothed.

Zoë's eyelids felt heavy as she tried to open them "Loki?" She asked sleepily.

"You fell asleep during the first act of that ridiculous play" he observed with a laugh.

"It was a movie, not a play" she corrected him.

Loki hummed as he gently placed her down on the bed "Whatever it was, it was boring. I don't blame you for falling asleep" he criticised.

Zoë's smile changed to a frown when she opened her eyes to look at him. He was still wearing his disguise "Bring back my love" she mumbled, still only half conscious.

Loki's form shone before shifting back to how he usually looked. Zoë smiled again and he returned the bright expression "Better?" He asked.

She nodded and gently pulled him onto the bed beside her "Much better" she confirmed. Loki chuckled and pressed a kiss on her forehead as she cuddled up to him "It's sad you can't go out there like this" she mumbled.

Loki hummed "Maybe one day" he said.

"They'll understand, when they know you the way I do" she assured.

Loki sighed, gently stroking Zoë's soft blonde hair "I'm not so sure darling" he doubted quietly.

"I'll never forgive them if they don't give you a chance" she whispered.

The god smiled down at the woman in his arms "I love you" he gushed.

Zoë smiled "Me you more" she replied, slipping back into unconsciousness.

"Me you most"


Zoë's eyes fluttered open when the morning sun fell on her face. She smiled seeing Loki already watching her with loving eyes.

"Good morning" he hummed softly.

She smiled wider and kissed his cheek "Morning, what time is it?" She asked.

Loki shrugged "I only woke up a few minutes ago and I haven't been able to take my eyes off of you since" he admitted.

Zoë chuckled and turned around to glance at the clock on the bedside table. It was still early, but she was wide awake, might as well get up now. Then she got an idea. She looked back at Loki and smirked.

"Perhaps you wouldn't mind joining me in the shower, my king?" She suggested.

Loki looked far more awake now and grinned "It would be an honour, my queen" he confirmed. Quickly standing up, he pulled off his shirt and raced into the attached bathroom.

Zoë laughed and climbed out of bed, also pulling off her clothes. Loki was adjusting the water temperature when she walked in. He never failed to take her breath away with how unbelievably stunning he was. He smiled and looked back at her "You're the breathtaking one, my pet" he complimented.

Zoë looked at him surprised before remembering "Right, mind reading" she recollected with flushed cheeks "I really must learn to control my thoughts around you" she added.

Loki shook his head "I love hearing how much you desire me" he appreciated, lust heavy in his voice as he stepped closer to the naked woman "It's exactly how much I desire you"

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