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~No one's POV~

"This is literally the worse hiding spot you could ever come up with, asshead" The blonde boy spat at the boy in front of him as they were currently hiding inside a locker in the locker room of their school while the school's bully was hunting them down for something none of the two had actually done.

"Oh yeah? Well sorry but this is the first thing I saw, alright?" The other boy spat back in anger at being stuck in such a tiny space with the one boy that he couldn't seem to get along with. "And besides, you were the one frozen into place, ready to shit his pants when he saw Kyle coming to beat us up instead of running away like any other sane person would do" He exclaimed. "This is all your fault"

"How is that my fault?" The blonde nearly shouted before remembering that they were supposed to keep quiet.

"I had to literally drag your ass away from that psycho which means that if I wouldn't have done that I would be long gone and back home" He whisper-shouted, his eyes locked on the other's, their chests being pressed against the other while they could feel their heartbeats and their breaths fanning on each others neck.

"Whatever," He replied in annoyance. "it's not like I asked you to help me"

"You know what, Newt?" The boy said. "Next time, I'll shove you towards him instead" He spat and after that they stayed silent, waiting for them to be safe enough to get out and go home since school was over for half an hour now but Kyle was quite the persistent type of bully and wouldn't stop searching for them until he actually found them.

"Can't you bloody turn the other way? Your breathe smells like shit" Newt grumbled, a scowl of disgust harboring his features as he looked up at the slightly taller boy.

"I'm not moving an inche" The boy replied with a smirk, making sure to speak right in his nose and making his words extra breathy. "Turn the other way if it bothers you so much. Or stop breathing, maybe if you hold it long enough you'll die"

"You're such an ass, Thomas" Newt spat, a look of hurt passing in his eyes before he turned around with difficulty since they had no room inside the locker, his back now pressed against Thomas' chest.

"I know, it keeps me awake at night" Thomas replied, not caring one bit that he hurt the blonde and rested his head on the locker's wall behind him with a deep sigh, closing his eyes for a second.

The door to the locker room was suddenly snatched open, startling the both of them at the loud bang the door made when it collided with the wall.

"I know you're in there, fuckers" The harsh voice of Kyle boomed into the silent room. "If you come out now it'll be less painful" He said, his footsteps could be heard moving around the room, between the rows of lockers and passing slowly in front of the locker the two were hiding in.

They both gulped nervously when the bully stopped dead in his tracks as he heard a faint gasp. Thomas mentally cursed and quickly brought his hand up and pressed it against Newt's mouth who couldn't help himself but breathe loudly in fear. The blond's head was pulled back slightly, resting against Thomas' shoulder as he kept his hand on Newt's mouth and rested his own head on the blonde's shoulder.

"Come out now" Kyle ordered in a dark voice before snatching the door to the locker right next to them open. They were both extremely startled but tried not to make a sound as kyle kept on searching the room.

The sudden movements though made their bodies shuffle and rub against each other, making the two close their eyes and curse silently from both embarrassment and arousal.

Yes, arousal.

Thomas too had started to breathe heavily, having the plump ass of the blonde pressed against his now slowly awaking dick, rubbing with each little movements they made. He quickly brought his hand down to the boy's hip and held it in place in a failing attempt to stop it from moving but the action made them rub against each other even more and Thomas had to bite down on Newt's shoulder to prevent himself from moaning.

The blonde on the other hand was bright red, not believing what was currently happening. He was very aware of the fact that their was a hard dick pressed right against his ass and that made him feel things. His eyes snapped to the side and he saw through the slight opening that the bully was long gone now and the door to the locker room was close again.

"Hjq qkdjbci" Newt tried to say but was muffled by Thomas' hand.

"Sorry" Thomas apologised, taking his hand off.

"He's gone" The blonde announced quietly. "I uh I t-think it's better if I turn back around" He stuttered after a few seconds. Getting no reply, he decided to move and turned back around, facing Thomas again.

"Just so you know I don't like you" Thomas said suddenly and Newt frowned, offended.

"Wow jeez are yo-" Newt said but was cut off as Thomas quickly leaned forward and kissed him. Newt was shocked and frozen into place, not understanding why he was being kissed by Thomas of all people but after a few seconds and a few teasing bites from the boy, he finally snapped out of it and kissed back with as much passion as Thomas.

Things rapidly became hot and they were soon rutting against each other, moaning and grunting while their lips stayed glued together.

"Oh my god" A voice shouted just after the door to the locker was snatched open, startling the two boys who jumped and looked to the side to see the janitor standing there with wide eyes and a disgusted expression on his face. "What the fuck is this? You teenagers are becoming weirder and weirder. Get the fuck out of here, school ended an hour ago" He yelled at them as they hurriedly got out of the locker and ran away from the man, leaving the school and laughing loudly as they did so.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Thomas said with a wide smile as they needed to go their seperate way to go back home.

"Really?" Newt asked with raised eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah" He replied, walking to the blonde and pulling him to his chest by the waist. "By the way, I lied earlier. I like you, Newt" He whispered before colliding his lips onto Newt's again. "Bye baby"

And with that Thomas turned around and left to go home, leaving a very confused and flustered Newt behind.

"Did I just get myself a boyfriend?"

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