The perks of having a father-daughter duo which she would always love, is the fact that whenever they messed up, they could always blame Triton and get away with it. 

And daddy read very nice bed time stories to her too. She loved that a lot. Even if he told the monster under the bed to eat her up if she did not fall asleep soon.

Yes, she loved her daddy that much.

Triton, on the other hand, is always wary of their daddy, and her mommy told her that her elder brother was traumatized from the same things that her daddy did to scare her, when he was her age. Her elder brother was apparently never quite the same after that, and did not look forward to having his father in the same room as him while he is trying to sleep.

"Daneira!!", Atlanta exclaimed with glee. "Daddy, can I go and meet her?"

Poseidon gave a mock suffering sigh before releasing his daughter from his arms with a smile, and tuned into the conversation between his wife and Delphin.

"Princess!!", the young mermaid gave a curtsy to Atlanta as the little princess approached her.

"We are best friends Daneira, no need for that!! Where are the rest of them?", Atlanta asked the four year old daughter of her father's best friend Donna, after waving off her formalities. Daneira also happened to be one of her ladies in waiting, and the one and only advisor of Atlanta.

"Of course, your Royal Highness. As you are set to venture out of the Atlantean territory after this meeting with the Royal Court, we  are all awaiting your presence outside the Throne Room to help you dress accordingly.", Daneira dutifully informed her superior.

"Of course."

After a pause, Atlanta asked with mischief written over her face. "And what about Ariel?"

Ariel was the mermaid who had captured her elder brother Triton's heart. The Disney movies were so wrong about that. 

Since Triton had expressed his desire to pursue Ariel as a potential consort, he had made it clear that he had no intentions of ever getting married, making Poseidon mad about Triton's indecisiveness and ban him from seeking the mermaid all together. However, Triton being a child of his father, had of course ignored the warning and had taken Ariel as his secret girlfriend. This sneaking around had gone on for several centuries, and Atlanta had gotten to know the secret when she had found her elder brother's love letter to Ariel while searching for a drawing paper in the desk of his study table.

Needless to say, appeasing and bribing had followed to make her keep quiet about the subject and not straight up give it to their father. Deciding to take a bit of extra mercy on her elder brother, Atlanta had pleaded her father to add Ariel to her list of ladies in waiting, which was done with a baby seal look from her side, so that Ariel and Triton did not have to sneak around anymore to see each other, as the ladies in waiting were commonly seen in the palace grounds.

Atlanta just wanted to help her elder brother.

And she was definitely proud of herself for thinking about that one.

"She awaits you near your bed chambers, your Royal Highness.", Daneira replied with an even tone, struggling to keep the snicker out of her voice.

"That's great. I will see my other ladies in waiting there, then. Ariel can be, excused from her duties to help me fetch my Donna from my elder brother's evil grasp. He had taken it. Again.", Atlanta told her friend and advisor with a frustrated sigh.

"Of course. I will let her know.", Daneira told her friend.

"Cool!! Then we can make our way to my bedroom now, and keep our fingers crossed so as to not run into Tri and his merry band of idiots on the way. Rest of the information you can tell me as we swim.", Atlanta replied while pulling her best friend out of the Throne Room. "Bye daddy!! Bye mommy!! Bye Donna!! I will see everyone later!!"

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