Split parents 👩‍👦💨

421 16 8

Mentions of self harm, abuse  and suicidal thoughts.


For two years every night, all I can hear is my mother and father yelling. He yells at her because he found out I'm gay, and that she is fine with it. He says that she needs to 'fix me'. I feel so horrible about it, that it's all my fault that she has to go through this, it's all that goes through my mind. All the things he says to her and and the threats he says to me that she has to deal with.

I eventually fall asleep with them yelling, I'm used to it by now, after 6 hours I wake up and get ready for school. My dad yelled "Take off that jumper, it's way to big for you and it looks horrible" from across the room.

I got to school after begging my mom to drive me. I walked to my first class of the day, and to my surprise josh was standing at the door waiting for me. "Hey y/n, why don't you take off that jumper, show us your wrist!" He chuckled. "Josh, just leave me the fuck alone, I don't want to hear your shit" He smiled and walked off.

After a long lesson it was finally break! But not for me, because my principal came to our class. "Hello mrs Kane, would I be able to grab y/n for a second?" "Yes ofc you can!" I walked over to him and we walked... He took me to the school therapist, the first thing said was "may I please see your wrist y/n" my first thought was "fuck, did josh tell them. I'm swear I'm going to-" interrupted by the voice of my dad coming to pick me up. He drove me home and yelled at me for what he was told. "That's why you wear that jumper, to hide the marks, all you want is attention" He sent me to my room so, I went to bed. But my phone kept ringing and dinging, it was people from my school saying hurtful things to me. These things made me hurt so much that all I could think about was "would it benefit everyone if I just ended it all, my mother would be fine, my class would be happy and so would my father."

I lifted up my jumper to take it off only to reveal the old cut marks on my arms, I grabbed my old blade and went over them again crying in the pain, after about the fifth cut I stopped and realized that I don't want to be doing this to myself anymore, I don't need josh and my father ruining me anymore, I don't need to let what they say get to me. I got some bandages and cleaned myself up and went to bed to then wake up 8 hours later go to school again.

Josh once again waiting for me, but with a concerned look on his face. We went through the day as normal, except that the whole school knew about the cuts. I avoided everyone. When the bell went I headed of to math, I didn't want to go because I have to sit next to josh in math,

We went into classroom D27 and sat down, "sorry" quietly came from josh. I was still mad at him for telling everybody about my cuts so I yelled. "Oh you want to apologise now, well you can't take back the things you texted me and the whole school, can you" he then sat down looking sad. "I didn't mean to tell everyone y/n" He said with a corpse voice while sniffling. "Really, then why did you make a group chat with our whole class then try to seem worried and ask me about my wrist?" I said angrily. "I didn't think about what I was doing, I feel horrible now" he said grinning at me. The teacher told us to be quiet. He set up the lesson and we started to actually learn something, we were learning about Pythagorean Theorem. The teacher said to copy what's on the board, he then wrote "The Pythagorean theorem consists of a formula a^2+b^2=c^2 which is used to figure out the value of (mostly) the hypotenuse in a right triangle. The a and b are the 2 "non-hypotenuse" sides of the triangle (Opposite and Adjacent)." On the board

He kept looking over to my work, "honestly, how did you manage to get into the highest math class josh, if you can't even figure out the most simple questions" I mean we where only trying to find out the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle, so it wasn't that hard.

The bell went and I started to walk home, but this time when I came home my parents were waiting for me at the front porch, they told me they were going to split up soon and I was going to have to choose who I want to live with. In a heartbeat I had chosen my mother.

The next night my mother tells me "we're moving to Paris after we get all our stuff ready!" in an exiting tone of voice! "I'll book the tickets for next month." She said, she was almost crying in joy that her and her son got to live in the area they always wanted to. And we they never had to see my father again.
My father was helping us pack our stuff because I asked him to help us. After 30 mins we were packed up and ready for next month.


Nearly 950 words!
I know it's bad but it's all I feel like doing for the first chapter bc I can't think of any filler content or progression through time so I'm going to just start chapter 2

(Chapter 2 will have a time skip)

- Brayden 💜

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