the real reason

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Kensi and Deeks drove to ops in silence again. kensi knew something was wrong with Deeks.



"what's wrong?"

"nothing, i'm fine"

"i know something is wrong. you can't fool me deeks"

"i'm good"

"you love me, right?"

"of course i do"

"well then why won't you just tell me"

"it's just what John told me"

"what did he say?"

"he said that he was visting his parents"

"yeah, so?"

"his dad is doing life in prison for murder and his mom died a few years ago"

"so what is he really doing here?"

"i don't know. His wife Amanda is on her way"

"do you want to question her?"

"yeah and i have an idea, we can ask John questions before she comes and then when she is here, we can ask her questions"

"that is actually a good idea, deeks"

"don't have to act so suprised"


Deeks turned the car around and went back to the hospital. At the hospital, kensi and deeks walked back to the room.

"hey special agent marty deeks" John laughed.

Deeks just smiled.

"why did you lie?" kensi asked.

"she goes straight into work, doesn't she"  john laughed again.

"answer the question" deeks said.

"lie about what?"

"your parents are gone"

"you got me, i'm not here to see my parents"

"why are you here?"

"I got a job to do"

"you said you were a teacher"

"i lied about that too"

"what was the job?"

"to kill someone"

"who is it"

"i can't say"

"tell us"

john took a deep breath and looked at deeks.


"me?" deeks asked.

"yeah, sorry man"

Kensi looked at Deeks and and grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of room. John watched them through the window which was next to the door.

"deeks" kensi said with tears in her eyes. she stroked his cheek with her thumb.

"i will be fine."

"we can't have you in the field"

"i'll be fine"

"please deeks, i can't lose you"

"we will talk to hetty"

"i love you deeks"

"i love you too fern"

deeks hugged kensi and stroked her hair. They walked back into the room.

"that was cute"

"who wants me dead?"

"i don't know"

"what do you mean you don't know. how do you not know?"

"i found it online. it is like a killer for hire site"

"and when you saw my name you wanted to do it"

"yeah, i mean you always got the girls"

"you would choose girls over my life?"

"yeah, sorry man"

"let's go back to ops" kensi told deeks.


"see you later marty"

deeks just looked at him and walked out.

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