the case

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Kensi and Deeks finally admtted their feelings for each other. They bought a house together and deeks became a full agent.  

"come on fern, were going to be late" Deeks called from the kitchen. Kensi came running from the bedroom.

"i'm ready"  kensi said. They got into their car and drove to work. Kensi and Deeks walked into the bullpen. Kensi, Deeks, Callen and Sam shared good mornings to each other and kensi and deeks ssat down.

"what took you so long?" callen asked.

"kensilina wanted to sleep and wouldn't wake up"

"i was tierd" kensi said.

Eric whistled and they looked up.

"we got a case" They went upstairs and into ops. Callen and Sam went in front of the table and Kensi and Deeks went behind.

"John Hanrick was found in an alley beaten up and unconscious" eric explained. Deeks moved slightly and kensi knew something was wrong.

"why do we have this case?" callen asked

"because i am assigning it to you" hetty answered.

"sam and i will go to the hospital, you guys go to the alley" callen explained.

"no, kensi and i will go"

"okay. let us know if you find anything" callen said. Kensi and Deeks nodded their heads and left ops. Kensi pulled deeks into a corner and looked at him.

"who is he?"

"who is who?" deeks tried to avoid the question.

"john. i know you know him" kensi took his hand and stared into his eyes.

"he's an old friend. i knew him in high school"

"were you close?"

"we were best friends"

"we will find out who did this. I promise"

"okay" deeks and kensi walked down the stairs and got into their car. Deeks drove to the hospital in silence.

"are you okay?"

"yeah, I just want to find out who did this"

"we will"

"i love you"

"i love you too"

When they reached the hospital, deeks stayed in the car.

"are you coming?"

"yeah, what am i suppose to say to him?"

"do you want me to ask him questions?"

"would you?"

"yes, of course. i know this is going to be hard for you so i want to help"

"thanks kens" they got out of the car and deeks took kensi's hand. They interwined their fingers and walked into the hospital. kensi and deeks walked to the room and saw a man sitting up in his bed. he was badly beaten up. Deeks froze when he saw john. kensi squeezed his hand and they walked in. Kensi let go of his hand and they went to the side of the bed.


"hey john"

"oh my god, what are you doing here?" john asked happily.

"we need to ask you a few questions"

"i already told LAPD everything"

"we are uh- were" deeks couldn't finish his sentence so he looked at kensi. She gave him a slight nod and she pulled out her badge.

"were federal agents"

"no way. really, marty is FBI"

"were not FBI were NCIS"

"Whats NCIS?"

"naval criminal investigative service"

"Why is the navy investigating me?"

"we have no idea"

"do you have any idea why someone would want to do this to you?" kensi asked.

"no but i know who did it"


"nolan walsh"

"are you sure?"

"yeah, he was following for the past couple of days, i went to the cops about it yesterday and then he attacked me"

"i will call callen and tell him and i will get eric to find nolan" kensi said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. she walked out of the room leaving deeks and john alone.

"a fed, really?"

"yeah. I was originally a cop and then I was assigned to NCIS to be their liason and then i decided to become a full agent"


"what are you doing with your life?"

"well after high school, i went to washington and did a degree in physics, i became a teacher at a high school in D.C and then i got married to a women called amanda and then i came here to see my parents and then all this happened"

"is amanda coming to see you?"

"yeah, she is on her way"

"that's good"

"who is the hot brunette?"

"kensi blye"

"she is hot"

"yes she is"

"so are you two together?"


"congrats man, finally found someone good"

"yeah" kensi came back in and looked at deeks.

"callen and sam found a fingerprint on a bottle and eric said it matches to nolans so eric and nell are trying to find him and then we will get him"


"see you later john"

"yeah bye marty."

kensi and deeks left the hospital and got into the car.

"are you okay?"

"yeah, im good. it was easier than i thought"

kensi smiled at him and deeks started the car and drove back to ops.


thanks for reading. is there anything i need to change or work on? please comment and vote.

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