Delilah after getting ready and drinking the hangover potion Leo gave her, made her way to the pitch.

Now both siblings were sitting down talking about random things and remembering memories they made the last six years while eating the breakfast Delilah had made for them.

"Do you remember the first prank Sirius pulled at you? That shit was hilarious" James said between laughs.

"It was not! He fucking made a bag full of glitter fall upon my head!" She said defensively. "Sometimes I still think i have glitter in my hair, at least he got his payback"

"That he did" answered James remembering how his sister had changed all of Sirius' clothes green.

"His face was priceless" said Delilah with a smirk.
"And he still thinks the Slytherins pulled the prank" James informed her.

Delilah turned to him shocked. "Really?!"

James nodded taking a bite from the pancakes. Delilah grabbed a fork and started eating the chopped fruits from the plate.

They ate in silence until the Marauders came down at the pitch joining them.

"There are my favourite siblings" shouted Sirius and run towards them flopping down at their laps.

"Get the fuck off padfoot, you weigh a tone" complained James pushing Sirius' upper body off his lap.

"Fine, Delilah loves me though, Don't you Potter Junior?" he asked and pinched her cheeks as if she were a baby.

"Only if you can catch me" she said before grabbing her broom, mounting it quickly and kicking off the ground.

Once she was five feet up in the air she turned and sent them a wink, before going even higher. Remus didn't waste a minute grabbing a broom from the ground and kicking off too chasing after Delilah.

Sirius seeing the two having fun, grabbed his broom and shot up in the sky. "Come on Prongs, Wormtail"

James shook his head at the childish behaviour but nevertheless grabbed his broom and followed after them.

"Come on Peter! If anything happens we will catch you" shouted Delilah hovering few feet above Peter.

"No I think I'm fine here, at the ground" he said patting the ground with his hand.

"Well then you don't give us another choice" Sirius said before zooming down and catching Peters shoulders. Delilah grabbed a spare broom and Sirius dropped Peter on it.

Peter frightened gripped the broom with both of his hands. "Get me the fuck down" he growled looking at his friends.

"Look just relax, you are not gonna fall" James said flying towards him and putting his hands in the right position on the broom.

"There you go, now lean in the front to make the broom move forward" Remus said and Peter hesitantly did it, making the broom go forward steadily.

"I did it!" He shouted happily.

"Yes you did mate" praised Sirius patting him in the back.

Peter, surprisingly, caught up with them quickly and they started throwing a small muggle ball around since they couldn't get permission to play with the quaffles. After hours of playing and thousands times of Sirius calling them cheaters because he kept loosing, they lowered to the ground and sat were Delilah and James were previously sitting.

Delilah let the boys talk while she stared at the ground lost in her own thoughts. Remus noticing how quiet the girl had gone nudged her shoulder.

"Hey love, what happened? What's with the sour face?" he asked gently making the boys turn to them.

"I'm the one you are supposed to call 'love', not her" said Sirius playfully punching his boyfriend in the arm lightly.

"Not now Padfoot, stop being dramatic" Remus said rolling his eyes.

Delilah cracked a smile, before her eyes filled again with tears.

"Oh hun come here" said Sirius opening his arms for her. Delilah walked into his warm embrace resting her head to his shoulder, the other boys joined the group hug squeezing Delilah in the centre.

"I'll miss all of you so much" she said her voice breaking slightly. "Who is supposed to entertain us with pranks now?"

"We'll miss you too Delilah" said Peter, putting a comforting hand to the girls shoulder.

"Yeah sis, we are gonna send letters too, you aren't getting rid off us this easily" said James planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah love don't worry, I'm gonna send you chocolate too" said Remus squeezing her arm.

"Yeah and I'm gonna send you a picture with my autograph so you can remember me"

"Oh for fucks sake Sirius"

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