The End of the Beginning

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"You know, if you hadn't pressured me to break the Bifrost, I was going to make a deal with the Frost Giants to stop Thor's coronation," Loki mentioned to you nonchalantly, as you sat by his side at the banquet table.

It was a month later and your magical-suppressing handcuffs were off and you had begun practicing your magic with Loki again, this time with supervision from Frigga; which you didn't mind at all. Today had been Thor's coronation and he was officially crowned to be the next king once Odin was no longer fit to rule. For now, Thor was to go on missions to Midgard and other realms in need of help, with Sif and the Warriors Three, as a suggestion from Odin to improve in his methods of leadership.

You almost choked on your water. "Can't you see that Odin is merely a foot away from us?" You asked, glancing quickly at Odin, who was speaking with Frigga at the head of the table.

Loki ignored you. "I had devised a plan awhile ago to stop Thor's coronation. I was moving forward with it but when Odin told me of my true parentage and you stayed with me that night, I changed my mind. My plan was to lure the Frost Giants into the palace to steal the Casket of Ancient Winters to interrupt his crowning as heir of the throne."

"Loki, that would've started a war," you scolded him. 

"Perhaps. Or it would have lead Thor to to confront the Frost Giants in Jotunheim with a reckless battle, leaving me blameless, and next in line for the throne." He was truly the god of mischief.

You were almost afraid to ask. "Do you... regret not going through with this plan?"

"No. I don't. Not anymore," he said.

"So you're okay with Thor officially becoming the king someday?"

"I'm getting there. Slowly. Very, very slowly. Besides, I'm not sure now if I ever really wanted the throne. I only wanted an equal."

"Does Thor still not see that your his equal?"

Loki brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Maybe he will someday, but it doesn't matter as much to me as it used to. Y/N, I sincerely apologize for all the times I called you a peasant. You never were one... You are my true equal. Not Thor."

"Loki, I lo-" Your confession was cut off by Thor putting his arms around both you and Loki. His breath smelled strongly of alcohol. He was holding a pint full of mead, and it almost splashed onto both yours and Loki's face. It had clearly been his third drink or more of the night.

"Look at these two. They no longer want to rip each other's throats out," Thor hollered out in glee. His comment had caught some of the Asgardian guests' attention and they looked over at you three with concerned glances. Thor laughed loudly.

Loki pursed his lips at him. "Congratulations on your crowning, Thor." It still sounded slightly bitter, but you knew that him and his brother had been on better terms now. Thor wasn't exactly happy that Loki had broken the Bifrost because of you, but it had oddly brought them closer together. Thor had never seen Loki so passionate before, and he admired it, in some strange brotherly way, you would never understand.

"Thanks, brother. Enjoy the night." Thor patted you two heavily on the back and smiled, before returning to his side of the table beside Sif and the Warriors Three.

Once the night had ended, and you were about to return to your quarters with Loki, Odin motioned for you two to come to his throne for something. Hopefully he hadn't heard what Loki had said earlier.

"Thor and his friends are going on a mission to Midgard soon to investigate an inter-dimensional crime. Would you two like to join them?" Odin asked.

"You're inviting us?" Loki asked, in complete surprise.

You elbowed him roughly in the side, making him grimace in pain. "Thank you for considering us, Allfather."

You and Loki looked at each other. You had no interest in going to Midgard right at this moment. There were still things (like lingering trust issues) you were working out with Loki. Besides, everything you wanted was right here in the palace, something you would have never imagined.

"We'll discuss it," Loki replied with a nod. You and him bowed to Odin.

"They leave soon. Let me know as soon as possible," Odin ordered.

"We will. Thank you," Loki responded, a bit reluctant. Odin and Loki's relationship would take a very long time to repair, and you weren't sure if it ever would.

Then, Odin smiled. It was small, but it was there. It was such a rare sight to see that you would have gasped if it were not for your prior princess training in proper etiquette.

You and Loki walked entered your quarters and went over to the balcony, overlooking the the twinkling cities of Asgard. 

"Odin is making changes around here. It's no doubt because of you, Y/N. Impressive," Loki said, nodding at you. "Perhaps he'll even ask us to rule the Nornkeep in Karnilla's place."

You rolled your eyes at him. "I thought you didn't want a throne." 

"It couldn't hurt to have one, temporarily. Until I build my own palace, somewhere, of course."

"Are you trying to get me to be your queen again?"

"I am. Do you accept?"

"I do." 

You became Loki's equal and Loki became your freedom. Now, there was no longer a single part of you that wished to escape Asgard.


This was more of a bonus chapter to clear up some character development things <3

Thank you everyone for waiting so patiently each week and reading my story! This was only the second one that I've written, so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I felt like I could've made this story longer if I wanted to, but it seemed better to have it concise with the setting and dialogue so that I could write a more solid, happier ending. It ended up not being as dark as I wanted it to be in the beginning, so I definitely want to do something grittier in the future. However, for the stories I write, they will probably tend to have happier endings since we don't always get those in real life and I'm still in denial lol (aka infinity war).

I do plan on writing others, possibly some one-shots soon and continuing with different POVs on TikTok. Maybe even a short sequel or follow-up. Let me know if anyone has any requests as well! I'm also open to constructive criticism. I'd love to write another one either during/after the Loki show premieres and maybe base it around that. And I might try writing with some other characters in the future too. We'll see. Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it.

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