The Ball Dance of Envy

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"You've been avoiding me, Y/N," Loki stated. You were in the library with a book in your hands, staring outside the window, when he appeared out of nowhere from behind you.

"I have not. I've been busy," you explained. "You're not supposed to be using magic here, remember?" You glanced at the librarian who was now watching you two closely.

"I don't care what she thinks. I want to know why you haven't come to practice," he responded, crossing his arms in suspicion of you.

"Princess duties," you replied, avoiding eye contact with him at all costs. He was right, you were avoiding him. After he tried to kiss you and you ran off, you had been reluctant to go to practice in fear of it happening again. You didn't want him to become a reason for you to stay here, when you still longed for escape. But he didn't have to know any of that.

"Well, you're not busy right at this moment. You've been staring out the window for the past ten minutes," Loki said.

"And you've been watching me this whole time? That's not creepy at all," you retorted.

Loki smirked and snatched your book out of your hands. "At least read a book about sorcery. Why are you reading this rubbish about Midgard again?"

"No reason." There was most definitely a reason.

"Earth or whatever planet you're reading about is nothing compared to our realm of Asgard. You've barely seen any of it."

"I know. That's because I'm stuck in the palace every hour of every single day," you muttered, trying to grab the book back out of his hands. He dodged you.

Loki paused for a couple minutes and went silent, as if he were in deep thought. "Meet me at my mother's gardens in ten minutes. There's something I want to show you."

"What is it?"

"No more questions. You can either come on your own accord or I'll force you."

You sighed. "Fine, I'll be there." You didn't want to argue with him, it would only cause you to get kicked out of the library again.

Loki disappeared and your book dropped to the ground with a THUD. The librarian squinted at you and you quickly apologized before she threatened to ban you from the palace library forever.


You arrived at the palace gardens, where Frigga and Loki were talking to each other.

"You're here. I thought I was going to have to drag you over," Loki joked, causing Frigga to give him a warning look.

"What is it that you wanted to show me?" You asked, ignoring their exchange.

"Come with me." He held out his hand towards you and you just stared at it. His change of attitude towards you recently after that almost kiss was making you hesitant.

Loki rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand when you didn't take a single step towards him. Frigga smiled as she watched Loki lead you deeper into the garden.

"Have you explored the gardens further yet?" He asked.

"No, I haven't had the chance to."

The garden was as beautiful as you had last seen it, when you first came here the night of Odin's announcement about your proposal. You hadn't gone near here since you and Loki had argued at the wedding, despite Frigga's kind invitation at the reception.

Beyond the garden's golden archway, there was a shining, glass greenhouse filled with extravagant flowers and glistening pools of water lined with marble boulders, overlooking Asgard's horizon. He brought you to a terrace which had a view of the entire gardens and its pools. You and him admired the view for awhile in a comfortable silence; which was a first. Until your curiosity got the best of you. This was feeling a little too romantic for your taste and it made you suspicious of him.

Loki's Runaway PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon