The Trickster's Apprentice

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The next morning, you woke up with Loki's arms around you.

After he had left you to finish your meal last night in the tavern, you returned to your room, only to find him already fast asleep. He was sprawled out in the middle of the bed, purposely leaving no room for you to lay down with him. It was likely he did this so that you would have to resort to sleeping on the sofa. He probably thought that this was what a "peasant" like you rightfully deserved, especially after you tried escaping yesterday - and more than once.

You couldn't let him win. Luckily, he was in a deep sleep when you arrived and you were able to roll him to his own side, so close to the edge of the bed that he could fall straight off. It was the perfect solution. Until you both woke up.

"Keep your hands to yourself." You flung his arms off of you and pushed yourself off of the bed in a rushed, frantic hurry. There was no time for you to reflect on your growing feelings for him - which you weren't sure was completely hatred anymore after he saved your life.

"This is certainly a contrast from what you were thinking about - " Loki's comment was cut off by you throwing a pillow at his face.

The tour around Nornheim with the prince wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. He behaved himself, even when you brought him to your home village to get better acquainted with your family. However, you did witness it a couple times when he grimaced to himself in disgust at the quality of the food in the province.

It was a bit of a shock when you returned to your family home though, as it had been renovated entirely. Apparently, both Odin and Karnilla had sent your family a lofty sum of money and an array of presents to them for your marriage to Loki. You weren't mad about it, but it did feel like they had practically sold you off to Asgard - if you were thinking about this in a more crude sense. But your family was happier with this stabler lifestyle provided for them because of your wedding, and that made you feel a tiny sense of satisfaction for them and yourself.

You returned to Asgard and everyone, including Odin, congratulated you on your successful trip. The townspeople were satisfied with the interactions you and Loki had with them and they had said nothing but great things about you two. If you weren't imagining it, you swore that Loki even smiled at you for a second. It was almost too good to be true.

Nevertheless, there was now a brand new problem you had to face. Loki was practically breathing down your back at all times, appearing in random places to disturb your peace and pester you about anything he could that was considered "unprincess-like." He wasn't joking when he said he wouldn't take his eyes off of you any longer. You were thankful that he saved your life, but he had now become your captor. This must have been the punishment he had promised to you if you had tried to screw the trip up, which you did.

The trip had brought you closer together and you now knew Loki's motives for treating you so harshly in the beginning. There was some understanding there, so he wasn't as rude to you as before. Not to mention the unexpected moment of desire you had for him, that you were trying your best to block out of your memory.

Even if you understood him better, that didn't mean you were going to help him become king. You still had your own goals and your own future to hope for, and none included Asgard. It seemed rather shameful, but you took advantage of what you had learned about Loki's comments towards Thor being reckless. Their relationship was turbulent as the moment and you knew there was one place Loki would hesitate to follow you too. You wanted to be free of him for just a day.


You found Thor at Asgard's warrior arena where him, Sif, and the Warriors Three, Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg were sparring and training for future missions. There was also a target practice range there for axe and knife throwing. You had gotten to know Thor briefly over the past couple of weeks, and you usually steered clear of him because he and his friends had a similar sense of arrogance as Loki did; which you preferred to avoid.

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