Chapter 11 - JFK's Interview

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You nod and smile. "Good job, President hopeful."

"Hoping that it'll be without the 'hopeful'." He chews on his bottom lip. "Who do you think is going to win?"

"Who do I think?"

"Yeah, you've met them all. You've gotten to know their thoughts and input on things, there has to be one that aligns with you. And I promise I won't be offended if it's not me."

"Well..." You weren't really that sure about it yet. He was right that you met them all, but they all appealed to you in different ways. And an interview didn't always gauge what kind of person they were. "I still don't know. Whoever wins, wins, and it's not a big deal to me. I did what I needed to do."

"I see." He gives you a small smile. "I appreciate the work you've done for Yearbook---for me. If I'm being honest, when you stepped in here, I was expecting someone else I'd end up having to baby sit."

You laugh. "Surprise?"

"Certainly. But thank you for being capable and holding your own, it means a lot to me."

"Of course, you're welcome."

He leans against his desk, a slight anxiousness to his expression. "I hope that I've been just as good to you as you have to me."

You shrug. "Yeah, considering you actually talk to me."

"I don't really mean that, you know, I mean..."


He draws in a deep breath and pulls a small stack of notecards from his pocket. He stares at them for a moment before shaking his head and tucking them away. "Look, y/n, this isn't easy for me to do or say, because I'm used to just fending for myself, you know? I'm not used to thinking about someone as highly as I think of myself, it's a weird feeling."

You stare at him, unsure of what to say or as to where he's going with all this. He continues on. "And you're just great like that, y/n. I don't know what it is about you, but you're different. You're the only person that can bring a smile to my face without even doing anything. And I... I know this is a lot to spring on you but," he straightens, letting out a breath, "do you think that you'd like to go to Homecoming with me?"

You gape at him. Out of all the things he could have said, that was the last thing you expected. 
"M-me?" you sputter.

"Yes, you, y/n."

"I... I've barely even given much thought about Homecoming besides it being my deadline. I don't know-- I don't know what to say. You're great, I--"

He places a hand on your arm. "Hey, it's alright. I'm not forcing you to make a decision. Whether or not you decide to go, that's your choice. But I just had to let you know."

You nod slowly. "Okay."

He gives you a small smile. "But I shouldn't use up anymore of your time. I'll catch you later, yeah?"

"Yeah, of course."

You stand up, your heart racing in your chest as you head out of the room. Did JFK really just ask you to Homecoming? You'd never gone to Homecoming, really because you thought you were too uncool for it. But now, someone had actually asked you? 

You can't help the smile that appears on your face. It's frightening, yet exciting. But you hadn't told him yes yet. You didn't know why you hadn't. Who else could possibly ask you? Even so, you couldn't help think that you should hold off on a decision until you were completely sure.

"Beautiful morning!"

You gasp as you see Lincoln strut beside you. "What-- don't scare me like that!"

"I'm a ghost, it's my job to be scary. As people, we're all reserved to our respective skillsets, well that is the goal of a skill-based economy, but it essentially falls flat without an even playing field for people to pursue their passions without worrying about monetary gains. Hobbies quickly become hustles, deteriorating our self embodiment."

You just stare at him. He shrugs. "What? I'm right."

You shake your head. "You can't just show up like this. Especially after leaving me with that obscure message. What was all that about?"

He chuckles. "Oh, no reason. I just wanted to have one of those acting moments, y'know? Be all dramatic and act as if I wasn't coming back. If I wasn't president and died, I think I would have been a good character in The Office. Oh, or maybe Two and a Half Men. Friends, perhaps? Black-ish?"

"I don't think that's something you'd want to do."

"Oh, but you don't know me like you think you do. Plus, why were you so worried? You discredit half the things I say anyway, so why did you care then?"

You press your lips together. "I don't know."

"And I'm supposedly the uneducated one." He yawns. "But anything interesting happened? You finished up the interviews?"

"Yeah, I did. And..."


"JFK asked me to go to Homecoming with him."

His jaw drops, and it's like his eyes are bulging out of his head. But his surprise quickly disappears, and he crosses his arms in disinterest. "Gee, what a surprise."

"What? You knew or something?"

"Well, I would rather not ruin the space time continuum seeing as it is already suffering heavily currently, but maybe I did."

"So what do I do now?"

"Y/n, I'm not god or whatever deity you worship. I don't know, and I don't care. All I know is that if Drake retires, we probably won't have the opportunity to reform and abolish institutions. He only cherishes his mother and his sleeping chambers like I do."

You sigh. "And that makes complete sense."

"Aw, you're warming up to me. About time."

"I just don't know what I'm going to do. And I doubt you plan on helping me."

"Good guess, and a correct one at that. But y/n, this is all you and your decision. Proceed with caution."

And proceed with caution, you will, because for this next week, you don't know what to expect.

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