Chapter 1: Emma

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The shower head screeched in protest as I turned the water off. I hadn't had time to let the water warm;I was out almost as quickly as I got in. Scrubbing the cold water off my body and wringing my hair the best I could.

As I reached for my clothes, I could feel the patch of wetness from my hair in an unreachable part of my back. I ignored it—soon I would be drenched in sweat, so it wouldn't matter anyway. I heard someone approach the door, before they were able to knock.

"Come in." Called out, turning to pull up my pants and button them.

"Jeez!" Max's voice raised an octave, I turned to see he had covered his eyes and turned slightly to the side. I pulled my shirt over my wet hair, with a laugh.

"You're good, pal, I'm dressed now." I laughed again, as he checked between his fingers before completely removing his hand from his face and turning to me.

"I could have waited, Emma. Gosh."

"You've seen me shift a million times, Max."

"Yeah, but..." he gestured at me, waving one hand at my body and holding his papers to his chest with his other. "This is different."

I shrugged. "What did you need?"

"I have new intel." He moved to my desk, spreading out some of the papers in his stack. Pictures of Amari pack members, some new faces I hadn't seen before, but mostly new angles of the same core group.

"This one, I pointed, who is she?"

"Her name is Amanda. I don't know her personally, but she is the Beta's sister." The good thing about Max, besides him being an excellent warrior, was he had recently escaped from the Amari pack. He hadn't been with us for more than two months, but his knowledge of Amari's inner workings were very useful, and I had immediately trusted him

Max had fallen prey to another packs attempt to take down Amari, and he had aided by supplying intel for the other pack. Of course he was caught, but he escaped when said pack came to attack Amari. The attack dragged on for almost a month, fighting tooth and nail, but Max had found us days after his escape, and our pack was moving in on Amari quickly. We were now essentially piggybacking off of their attack; any survivors of the Lykan pack, the one Max worked for, had joined our forces, thanks to Max's connections.

Max had come to join us at a perfect time, and we were trying to move quickly, while Amari was weak and rebuilding. They had been attack free for two weeks, and we needed to step up our plan this week. I was looking for a way in before we all just ramrodded them. I wanted leverage.

Max had another motive to join our forces, his sister, Amilia, was still under the pack protection, almost being held hostage. There was talk about her being taken to the concentration camps they had on base, that housed the orphaned children they took from the packs they slaughtered, like my own, to raise them up to fight in their army. The entire idea was sickening and next level grooming.

"Blair's sister? What about her?"

"She's mated." He started, and raised my eyebrow at him. "To one of our own." My heart skipped at the luck. This was the in we needed.

"Who?" I asked, moving my hand to her picture and looking back to Max.

"Callen Verst—the rogue that came with Ashby."

"You're kidding me? Callen Verst? This is perfect." I knew Callen well, he was a complete and total arse. Incapable of having true feelings with the grief he was feeling over losing almost his entire pack a few months ago. His own sister had died in front of him—slaughtered. His younger brother, a three year old he was raising with his girlfriend, Ashby, was taken to the camp. It was a miracle they both survived and a miracle they found us.

"What's happening over here, you two?" Ella opened the door to my room; I had been so engrossed, I didn't notice her.

"Max found out that Callen Verst is Amber, Blair's sister's, mate." I looked at her, and she came over to look at the pictures. Max straightened up and stepped back. Ella had always made him a bit uncomfortable, but I ignored it.

"You're kidding." She said thumbing through the papers and pictures. "So, what do we do?"

"Nothing right now." I said, and Max nodded. "Max, can you have Callen meet with us later today?" I turned to Ella . "Are you free at 4? Can we all do 4?"

"Yes, ma'am." Max said, with a nod. Ella nodded, too.

"Okay, four then." I smiled. "I have to go to the training ground." My attention immediately focused on the groups of wolves I was perfecting today. A mixture of men and women—something most packs scoffed at—strong at almost 400 warriors. We were gaining troops everyday, and some other rogues vowed to fight with us too, but not be on our grounds.

Typical rogue fashion. However, this 400, I had personally trained, and they were lethal. I was confident with them. Even though Amari's army had over 1500 fighters, I knew we could outsmart them. And in one on one, heck, five on one, we could outfight them. We only needed one head on our mantle to bring them down anyway, Toth's.

"Oh, me too." Ella said. "I have a brief to give—I'll walk with you."

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