Chapter 5

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*I just want to say happy birthday to Matt Ryan! Today he is 40 and still making amazing films/shows! He is one of my favorite actors out there. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter!

Mick sat on his couch in his apartment. He ate an apple as he played FIFA and started thinking to himself as he went in for a ginormous bite from the apple. 

*Mick's POV

It had been almost a month since Y/n and I spoke to each other. The truth is that I didn't know what to say to her after the night we kissed. Everything is just extremely complicated because I embrace the friendship that we have, but sometimes I don't know if I want to take our friendship up a notch by turning it into something greater, more, no. It was one kiss, it probably meant nothing, and besides, it wouldn't work because my job requires a lot from me. Ah, you know what, a drink seems good right about now. I will grab a quick beer from JackTac Bar(the place serves the best drinks, no wonder it has five-star reviews), come right back home, order a pizza for myself, and play some more FIFA. 

I parked my car in the lot and walked over to the bar. As I was walking, I saw a young lad throw up next to a fire hydrant as he was carefully being patted on the back by an older guy. Wow, the boy must have had his first drink...Cheers! Once sat down on a stool in the bar, I pulled out my phone and started looking at pictures of my sister, Jenna. I haven't seen her in a bit, which made me a little sad sometimes. She is an amazing person, and I am very happy to have her in my life.

"What can I get for you, sir?" A female voice said to me.

Without looking up from my phone I replied, "Just hand me a beer now, yeah?"

"Looks like you have had a rough day I see, alright bud...this one is on the house."

I looked up and saw that the bartender was y/n. I instantly smiled, placed my phone in the pocket of my pants, and said,

"Y/n how are you doing? How is everything? I am pleased to see you."

"Oh it's good, I got a raise so that makes dealing with wild customers a little less awful I guess." y/n said.

"Well that is nice, but I mean how are you, yourself? I want to know how are you personally doing after we-" Before I could respond, Y/n cut me off.

"Mick, let's put that behind us. We haven't talked in a while so consider this a fresh start. Now with this fresh start, I wanna see you calling and texting me again, Rawson, clear?" Y/n said playfully.

"We have got ourselves a deal. I want to see you do the same.  You do your part, and I will do mine. Now do I, miss Tryson, make myself clear?" I responded in the same tone. 

"Yes sir. I will be right back, one bottle of beer coming right up." 

As I waited, I heard the door open. I looked over and saw a woman enter. It was as if everything went into slow motion, the woman walked in red heels, wore a black skirt that complimented her curves, and had on a tight white shirt. Her hair was held up by a pin, but when she took it out, her beautiful, silk brown hair fell down on her shoulders. The woman then proceeded to take off her shades, revealing two angelic blue eyes. As I watched her walk, the woman stopped, grabbed her phone from a black purse she had with her, lifted it up, stared into it (I am assuming to check herself out really quick or take a photo of herself?), placed the phone back into her purse, and then looked directly at me. As we made eye contact for two seconds, she walked over to me. "Oh my goodness," I began sweating and thought to myself, "I hope she isn't coming over to confront me about staring at her. I don't want for a scene to start up right now." 

Behind The Rifle (A Mick Rawson x y/n Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz